UKZN Registration 2019 : University of KwaZulu-Natal

Organization : University of KwaZulu-Natal – UKZN
Facility : Registration 2019
Head Quarters : Durban
Application Starts : 7 January 2019
Website :

UKZN Registration

Changes of mind in the ‘Clearing Houses’ :
It is expected that by 7 January, Colleges will have dealt with most of the applications received on-time. Thereafter changes-of-mind will be accepted from 7 January for qualifications where spaces are available.

Related / Similar Facility :
Online Application For UKZN

All visitors will be directed to the clearing houses on the PMB, Westville and Howard Colleges campuses as indicated in the table below.

PMB DSLT and Council Chambers In G 47 (Science building)
Westville T4 and T5 In J Block Grey Lan
Howard College Shepstone 1, Level 6 and Shepstone foyer level 6 Shepstone, Level 5 Light Blue Lan

The clearing houses will assist :
** on-time applicants to check the status of their applications.
** on-time applicants who want to apply for another qualification ‘changes of mind’.

UKZN Dates

7 January 2019 Self-help/online registration starts (mainly for returning students)
28 January to 2 February 2019 Orientation of Students
28 January to 1 February 2019 On campus registration (mainly for first-time entering students and returning students who need curriculum advice)
4 February 2019 1st semester lectures commence
1 March 2019 Final date for submitting curriculum changes
1 March 2019 Final date for 1st semester registration
1 March 2019 Final date for minimum  fee payment  required for  student registration

UKZN Call Centre

** In addition to the functions taking place in the clearing houses, a dedicated university-wide call centre will be established on Howard College Campus to assist the callers.

UKZN Registration

** Registration will be online and starts on 7 January 2019.
** Students can register from home or in dedicated LANs on campus.

Information about registration dates; venues; fees and payment; orientation and parents’ day will be available on the college websites at :
** College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science
** College of Law and Management Studies
** College of Health Sciences – to be updated shortly
** College of Humanities

UKZN Online Applications

Apply Online   :
Go to the official website,click on the apply online button.Online Application form will be opened enter the following details to fill the form.

Application Form :
Select Do you have a valid South African National ID number?
Enter Previous UKZN Student Number
Enter First name(s)
Enter Last/family name
Select your gender
Enter Date of birth [ Year (YYYY)Month Day]
Enter Email address

Related Post

Enter Cellular/mobile phone number e.g. +27831234567
Enter Last year of High School (YYYY)
Select Have you studied at a Tertiary Institution before ?
Enter Data capture verification challenge CAPTCHA verification servlet currently disabled check SOD CP/WZ on SMNT-12

If you would like to start or continue your studies at UKZN as a new student, please complete this page and press the continue button

UKZN Required Documents

Please remember to upload the following documents :
** Certified copy of your ID/passport.
** Certified copy of your National Senior/Matric Certificate or O/A Levels or relevant school leaving qualification/certificate.

** Proof from Universities South Africa (previously known as HESA), that you qualify for admission to degree studies at South Africa universities, if you are an international applicant. For more information, refer to the undergraduate prospectus

** Certified copies of your degree certificate(s), academic record and certificate of conduct, if you attended other universities.
** Proof of English proficiency for International applicants from non-English speaking countries.

** South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluations if the previous qualification(s) was/were obtained at foreign universities (outside South Africa).
** A research proposal/proposed title of the dissertation/thesis if you are applying for a Masters Degree or PhD.

** A valid study visa to study in SA if you are an International applicant.
** Please ensure to use reference APPN (followed by your student number) when making application fee payment.

** Before applying online please make sure that you have read the guidelines above.
** Please ensure that you have the HESA/SAQA documents to be uploaded in order to complete your application.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN):

Q: What is the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)?
A: The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is a public research university located in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It was formed in 2004 through the merger of the University of Natal and the University of Durban-Westville.

Q: What degree programs are offered at UKZN?
A: UKZN offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs across a wide range of disciplines, including arts, agriculture, engineering, law, medicine, science, and social sciences.

Q: Is UKZN a good university?
A: Yes, UKZN is considered one of the top universities in South Africa and is highly regarded for its research and academic programs. It is consistently ranked among the top universities in Africa and the world.

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