Good Hope FM Share A Coke Competition 2019 :

Organization : Good Hope FM / Coca-Cola Africa (Proprietary) Limited
Competition Name : Share A Coke Competition / Coca-Cola® Summer 2018 Promotional Competition
Applicable For : Open to participants who are permanent residents and citizens of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 31 January 2019
Prize : Airtime Voucher Prize
Website :

Good Hope FM Share A Coke Competition

This Promotional Competition (“Competition”) is organized by Coca-Cola Africa (Proprietary) Limited, and its agencies (the “Promoter”).

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Competition Period

** The Competition commences on 1 November 2018 and ends on 31 January 2019, both days inclusive (the “Duration”).


** The Competition is open to participants who are permanent residents and citizens of South Africa, over the age of 18 (eighteen) years, in possession of a valid South African Identity Document and a valid South African passport.

** Any person who is under the age of 18 (eighteen) years (“a Minor”) must obtain their parent or legal guardian’s express consent, in order to enter and qualify as a participant of the Competition (together referred to as “Participant/s/Entrant/s”).

** Any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant of or any person, directly or indirectly, who controls or is controlled by the Promoter and/or immediate family members of any employee, director, member, partner, agent or consultant of or person, indirectly or directly, in control or controlled by the Promoter, its advertising agencies, advisers, dealers, suppliers and Bottlers of beverages identified by the trademarks owned by or licensed to The Coca-Cola Company, its affiliates and/or associated companies, is disqualified from participating in this Competition. (“Disqualified Participants”).

** The Competition is only valid within South Africa. Participants must be within South Africa at the time of entering the Competition and at the time of the prizes being awarded should they be a winner, failing which such person will be disqualified and the draw of a replacement entry shall take place under the same terms and conditions.

How To Enter

Competition entries are subject to the following conditions :
** All Entries from Disqualified Participants’ cell phone numbers will be rejected;

** All Entries from Minor Participants who have not obtained the express consent from their parent or legal guardian, will be rejected;
** No computer-based entries will be accepted; and

Related Post

** Any cell phone number that enters an incorrect Code 5 (five) times in succession will be locked out of the Competition for the entire Duration of the Competition (“Blocked Participants”). Blocked Participants have an opportunity to call the COLONYHQ Call Centre on 087 231 0128 between 09h00 to 17h00 Monday to Friday should there be a valid reason, which is acceptable by Promoter, for the Blocked Participants entering an incorrect Code five (5) times in succession.

** Entries that are unclear, illegible, are submitted via an incorrect entry mechanism or contain errors or from Disqualified Persons will be declared invalid.


Participants stand a chance of winning the following prizes :
** R5 (five rand) airtime vouchers (“Airtime Voucher Prize/s”), for pre-paid cellular account holders only. The total value of the R5 airtime vouchers on offer is R9 889 065 (nine million eight hundred and eighty nine thousand and sixty five rand).

** To stand a chance of winning a R5 Airtime Voucher Prize, Participants must purchase any Coke Original Taste, Coke Light, Coke Life, Coke Zero Sugar, Fanta, Sprite, Stoney, in pack sizes 2L; 1.5L, 500ml; 440ml, 330ml and 300ml PET, or 440 ml, 400ml, 330ml, 300ml and 200ml cans, 1.25L returnable glass bottle, any Powerade RTD or Powerade Zero (“Participating Product”).

** Participants must look under the yellow can tab or yellow cap liner for their 13 (thirteen) or 14 (fourteen) digit unique code (“Code”);

** Dial *120*2653# from a registered cellphone number at a cost of 20c (twenty cents) per 20 (twenty) seconds. For clarity, a registered cellphone number is one that has been**
** RICA’d and registered in the name of a Participant or a Minor Participant’s parent or legal guardian; and

** Follow the text prompts to complete their entry; (hereinafter referred to as an “Entry/ies”).
** Due to network restrictions, USSD sessions time-out after 120 (one hundred and twenty) seconds (“USSD time-out”).

** If a Participant successfully enters their Code before the USSD time- out, their Entry will be considered valid.
** All Winners of Airtime Voucher Prize/s will be determined by random automatic selection between 1 November 2018 and 31 January 2019.

Airtime Voucher Prizes Rules

** Participants stand a chance of winning 1 (one) Airtime Voucher Prize across all Mobile Networks per Entry, as required in rule 9 above.

** Where an Entry is randomly drawn as a Winner of 1 (one) Airtime Voucher Prize, the cellphone number used to enter the Competition, will be automatically loaded with the Airtime Voucher Prize.

** Due to the random nature of the draw, of the Airtime Voucher Prize distribution and the USSD time-out, it is possible that not all Airtime Voucher Prizes will be awarded.

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