Private Property Win A Home Behind The Door Competition 2018 :

Organization : Private Property (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Win A Home Behind-The-Door Competition
Applicable For : legal, permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 06 December 2018
Prize : Tthree doors for the Behind-the-Door
Website :

Private Property Win A Home Behind-The-Door Competition

The Win a Home Behind-the-Door Competitions (Competitions) will be run by Cardova Trading (Pty) Ltd (the organiser/we/us/our) in association with Balwin Properties Limited, Capitec Bank Holdings Limited, Private Property (Pty) Ltd and Samsung Electronics South Africa (Pty) Ltd (Sponsors);

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Competition Periods

There will be a total of 11 (eleven) Competitions included in this season of Win a Home, which will run in accordance with the following periods :

Who Can Enter

In order to be eligible to enter the Competition and to receive a prize herein :
** you must be a legal, permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa and be in possession of a valid identification document with a 13 (thirteen)-digit identity number;

** you must be 18 (eighteen) years of age, or older;
** you must be a natural person;

** you must have a valid SABC tv license;
** you must not be barred or disqualified by any authority from taking delivery and transfer of the Prize/s or any portion thereof.

Not with standing clause 3.1, you are not eligible to enter this Competition if :
** you are a director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of the organisers, the SABC, the Sponsors, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the organisers or Sponsors;
** you are an immediate family member of any of the persons specified in clause 3.2.1;
** you are a supplier of goods or services in connection with the Competition.

How To Enter

Steps  :
Step 1 : Which Design Duo is your favourite?

Step 2 : Now enter your details below
** Enter Your Name
** Enter Email Address
** Enter Mobile Number
** Select yes/no Are you a Capitec Client?
** Where did you hear about the Win A Home competition?
** Tick the check box I accept the Weekly Competition Terms & Conditions
** Tick the check box I accept the Grand Prize Terms & Conditions

Step 3 : Learn about property
** Tick the check box I want to learn about renting
By selecting you agree to receive emails regarding renting

** Tick the check box I want to learn about buying
By selecting you agree to receive emails regarding buying

Step 4 : Click on Enter Now Button.

** Complete and submit the entry form for the relevant Competition you wish to enter within the Competition Period for that Competition, which entry forms will be found on the Private Property website

** Each successful and valid entry for each Competition will also count as an entry for the Win a Home Grand Prize Competition.

** There are no further forms to fill in and once you meet the requirements set out in clause 3 above and this clause 4, you will automatically be entered into the Competition.
** You may only submit one entry per calendar day (between 00h00 to 23h59 on any given date) for each Competition herein.

** All entries over and above your first entry for every calendar day during each Competition Period will not be included in the draw for the winner of the Competition or be included for the draw for the finalists for the Win a Home Grand Prize Competition and will not count as a vote for purposes of the Win a Home Designer Challenge.

** For the avoidance of any doubt, in the event where one Competition commences on the same date on which another Competition closes, you may enter once for each Competition on that day.

** By way of example, on 27 September 2018, you may submit an entry for Competition 1 between 00h00 and 19h45 and you may thereafter also submit an entry for Competition 2 between 19h46 and 23h59.

** You are required to attend to the cost for your entry, including standard internet costs.
** No automated entries will be allowed and each entry must be made by a natural person manually.


** For each Competition, three different prizes will be placed/allocated behind three doors positioned in the Win a Home show studio respectively.

** The Winner of each Competition will be required to select one of the three doors and will receive the prize placed/allocated behind the door he/she selected (Behind the Door Prize), subject to these terms and conditions.

** After selecting the door referred to in above, the Winner will be requested to answer a Samsung product-related question (Samsung Question) live on the Win a Home show. If the Winner answers the Samsung Question correctly, he/she will be awarded a Samsung prize (Samsung Prize) as promoted for that Competition.

** The Winner has to immediately select one of the three doors for the Behind-the-Door Prize and/or answer the Samsung Question and/or answer the Capitec Question live on the show, failing which we may declare the Behind-the-Door Prize and/or Samsung Prize and/or Capitec Prize forfeited.

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