The Old Mutual Education Trust OMET Scholarship 2018 :

Organisation : The Old Mutual Education Trust
Announcement : The Old Mutual Education Trust (OMET) Scholarship 2018
Applicable for : Trade Unions Members
Website :

Old Mutual Education Trust Scholarship

The Old Mutual Education Trust scholarships provide funding to study on a full-time, part-time or distance-learning basis for a first-time undergraduate degree/diploma (including BTech) at an accredited Higher Education Institution in South Africa.

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Who may apply?

You may apply for a scholarship if :
** You are a member or employee of one of the participating trade unions.
** You are a child (inclusive of an adopted child or step child), or grandchild, or other child blood relation of a member or employee and you are not yet 25 years old.

** You are a spouse of a member or employee or are living with a member or employee in a relationship akin to a marriage.

How do you apply?

Complete and return the application form, together with ALL requirements to :
The Old Mutual Education Trust,
3F Mutualpark, PO Box 73,
Cape Town, 8000.

The checklist and information below is important for ALL applicants :
** Please ensure that your application form is filled in correctly and is Complete.

Related Post

** Attach ALL the documents needed. Application forms with Incomplete information and Missing documents will NOT be considered for the selection process.
** Make sure that documentation is filled in, in ENGLISH.

** All applicants holding non-South African school qualifications or results must liaise directly with the Matriculation Board for endorsement to be considered for the scholarship.

** ALL full-time students must make sure that they submit application forms for ACCOMMODATION together with their application for studying to the institutions they intend to study at.

Scholarship Covers

** The scholarship contributes towards tuition, prescribed books and/or other approved study materials, accommodation and meals.
** The scholarship is automatically renewed upon academic progression to the next year of study and does need to be repaid.

What Is Not Covered?
** You will be personally responsible for the payment of any other fees, costs, or expenses associated with your course of studies, including any shortfall which the scholarship does not cover.
** You are personally responsible to register (including any registration costs) and to apply to the applicable Higher Education Institution for your chosen course of study.

How are the scholarships awarded?

** The scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of academic ability and the financial needs of the applicant.
** The Board of Trustees will consider any other relevant factors when making the final decision on granting the scholarships.

** The Old Mutual Education Trust reserves the right to adjust or withdraw any scholarship amount that may be awarded in terms of this application, should you be a beneficiary of other financial assistance (e.g. bursary, grants, loans, scholarships, awards, etc).

** Students who are awarded the scholarship do not need to pay back the scholarship.

Accredited Higher Education Institution

The Old Mutual Education Trust scholarship offers you the choice of studying at any of the following accredited Higher Education Institutions, provided they offer your chosen course :
** Nelson Mandela University (NMU)
** Sol Plaatjie University (SPU)
** University of Johannesburg (UJ)
** University of South Africa (UNISA)
** Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)
** Central University of Technology (CUT)
** Durban University of Technology (DUT)
** Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT)
** National Institute of Higher Education (NIHE)
** North West University (NWU)
** Rhodes University (RU)
** Sefako Makgatho University (SMU)
** Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)
** University of Cape Town (UCT)
** University of Fort Hare (UFH)
** University of Free State (UFS)
** University of kwaZulu Natal (UKZN)
** University of Limpopo (UL)
** University of Mpumalanga (UMP)
** University of Pretoria (UP)
** University of Stellenbosch (SUN)
** University of the Western Cape (UWC)
** University of Venda (Univen)
** University of Witwatersrand (WITS)
** University of Zululand (UNIZULU)
** Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
** Walter Sisulu University (WSU) © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map