NRF Honours & Final Year B Tech Bursaries For 2019

Name of the Organization : National Research Foundation (NRF)
Scholarships/Bursaries : NRF Honours & Final Year B Tech Bursaries For 2019
Applicable For : South African citizens and South African permanent residents only
Closing Date : 14 December 2018.
Website :

NRF Honours & Final Year B Tech Bursaries

The National Research Foundation (NRF) awards bursaries to students pursuing full-time Honours’ and final year B Tech studies at South African public universities.

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Eligible Applicants

The eligibility criteria listed below apply to all areas of support for Honours’ and final year B Tech Bursaries :
** Bursaries are open to South African citizens and South African permanent residents who will register at a South African public university in 2019 on a full-time basis.

Students not eligible

** Foreign nationals;
** Students that already hold an Honours’ or final year B Tech degree;
** Students pursuing an undergraduate degree irrespective of the degree that they are enrolled for;

** Students intending to pursue a Postgraduate diploma qualification, including Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting; and
** Students who will be employed (full/part time) in 2019 will not be considered.

Application Process

** Students must first identify the university where they will be registered for the Honours’ or final year B Tech degree before submitting an application to the NRF.
** Applications for funding in 2019 must submitted to the university where they intend to register, through the NRF Online Submission System

Application Online System Registration

Bursary Guideline

** Applications may be submitted on the NRF Online Application System from 03 September to 14 December 2018.

How To Apply

Kindly follow the below steps to create the online application system registration

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the Online Application Registration link click on New Registration tab in home page

Step 2 : If you have already registered,please use your existing login details to access this system

Step 3 : After logging onto the NRF Online Submission System, applicants get to the Landing Page where there is a menu at the top left side of the screen (tab indicated with blue arrow below). Start by filling in all the sections under My Profile – My CV to create a CV.

Step 4 : To add the field of study under Qualifications, click on the ‘Add’ button as shown below. As you start typing the name of the field, the system will provide options on the drop-down list.
If you have already obtained the undergraduate degree, please attached the academic records as shown below.

Step 5 : To create a new application, click on My Applications – Create Application.

Step 6 : Select NRF Honours’ and final year B-Tech Bursaries 2019 on the Create Application screen and a new application will open for the applicant to complete. Please note that this must be selected only once.

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Step 7 : The Attachments section provides specific instructions to upload attachments to the application. The applicant is required to upload the following documents

Attachments :
Applicants’ must attach the following documents in the attachment section of the online application :
i. Certified South African Identity Document. (Should be uploaded under Registration details)
ii. Certified academic record or, in case of applicants with outstanding fees due to the university, attach an official letter that is stamped and signed, stating that the transcript is not issued due to outstanding fees owed to the university.
iii. Proof of NSFAS or University Financial Aid funding for applicants that have indicated that they were previously funded by NSFAS or received University Financial Aid funding.
iv. Applicants with disabilities must upload a medical certificate, in support of the disability.

Step 8 : The final submit button will only be activated when all compulsory sections are complete, Press Final Submit and then OK to submit the application.

Note :
** If all the compulsory sections are complete and the final submit button does not appear, select any section and resave to refresh the application, the final submit button should then be active.

** Applications that are incomplete, contain incorrect detail or fail to comply with requirements, will be rejected. The application must be completed in sufficient detail to allow for a comprehensive validation and institutional review.

Nomination Process Timelines

** The call will be accessible on the NRF Online Submission system at from 05 September 2018.

** The NRF deadline for submission of applications is 14 December 2018.
** Applicants must ensure that they adhere to their institution’s internal closing date for submission of their application to allow for internal institutional screening and review.

** Institutions will nominate students for a bursary award on the NRF Online Submission System, based on the Block Grant allocation to each institution and set equity targets. This nomination process will take place from 23 January 2019 to 28 February 2019.

** NRF will review the nominations and communicate the outcomes to the institutions.

** If the nomination is approved by the NRF, the institution will have to upload and submit the duly signed and initialled agreement form and all the relevant documentation no later than 22 March 2019.

** Unspent or unclaimed institutional funds under this allocation will automatically be cancelled by 28 June 2019.
** Institutions must report on student completion by 31 March 2020 on the NRF student completion database.

Bursary Values

Bursary values for full-time Honours’ and final year B Tech students are indicated in below Table

Type of Bursary Bursary value (per annum) Maximum Funding period
1. NRF Freestanding R30 000 1 year
1. DST Priority Research Areas

2. Current DST-NRF Interns

3. Innovation Bursary Scheme

4. Students with disability

5. NRF-Sasol

6. Scarce Skills

R60 000 1 year
1. NSFAS Postgraduate Pipeline R76 000 1 year

NRF Contact Persons

For programme related enquiries, please contact :
Ms Zethu Ntsoane : Professional Officer – Human and Infrastructure Capacity Development (HICD). Telephone: 012 481 4105. Email: zethu.maseko AT

Ms Fulufhelo Malamatsho: Professional Officer – Human and Infrastructure Capacity Development (HICD). Telephone: 012 481 4166. Email: fulufhelo.malamatsho AT

For Grant Management and System Administration related enquiries, please contact:
Ms Nozine Nqeketo: Professional Officer – Grants Management and Systems Administration (GMSA). Telephone: 012 481 4184. E-mail: nozine.nqeketo AT

Ms Zodwa Mahlangu: Professional Officer – Grants Management and Systems Administration (GMSA). Telephone: 012 481 4114. E-mail: zodwa.mahlangu AT

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