oros.co.za Buy & Win Sip On Summer Competition 2019 : Tiger Consumer

Organization : Sip On Summer OROS/Tiger Consumer Brands Ltd
Competition Name : Buy & Win OROS Sip On Summer Competition 2019
Applicable For : Permanent resident or citizens of the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, or Namibia.
Competition Deadline : 28 February 2019
Prize/Win : Trip For Four Winners
Website : https://www.oros.co.za/

OORS Buy & Win Sip On Summer Competition

The Promoter is offering a Promotional Competition in terms of which the Participants can enter the Promotional Competition in order to win the Prize.

Related : Shoprite Checkers Win A Car Competition 2018 : www.southafricain.com/13294.html


Th e Participant must be :
** a natural person and may not be a juristic person;
** 18 years or older; and

** a permanent resident or citizens of the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, or Namibia.
** Using the same telephone number to enter this competition as the one they are to be contacted on should they win.

How To Enter

** To enter this competition participants must purchase any OROS product and WhatsApp “#SIPONSUMMER” to 066 100 7674, and follow the prompts in order to upload their till slip as proof of purchase.

** The promoter is not liable for the failure of any technical element relating to this promotional competition that may result in an entry not being successfully submitted.
** Entries which are unclear, illegible or contain errors will be declared invalid.

The Prize

** The grand prize is a trip for four winners, each with three of their family or friends.
** The prize includes flights, accommodation, transfers, hotel breakfast and dinner.

** The exact itinerary of the trip will be communicated to the winners closer the departure date  As well as their share of R500 000 worth of airtime, which will be distributed as R5 airtime at a ratio of 1:3.

** This will be distributed randomly to people that enter and upload their till slip to WhatsApp.
** Only South African citizens are eligible for winning the airtime.

** Any prize not taken up for any reason within two weeks of notification will be forfeited.
** This prize can not be exchanged for cash.
** Prizes will include travel insurance.

Prize Qualification Rules

** Participation in the Promotional Competition constitutes acceptance of the Competition Rules.
** By entering the Promotional Competition Participants consent to their details being used for marketing campaigns by the Promoter.

** The Winner will be notified by telephone or email.
** If winners are uncontactable due to incorrect contact details after two days of attempting to contact them, their prize will be forfeited.

** The Winner must provide valid proof of identity (a green bar-coded ID book, ID card, passport or driver’s licence).
** SA Passport holders no longer require Visas, however International Passport holders still do.
** Visas can be obtained on arrival in Mozambique.

The Winner

** There will be four winners selected.
** The Winners may be required to sign a waiver of liability and indemnity before claiming their prizes.

** All Winners will be required to provide their names, ID numbers and contact details, and to sign an acknowledgement of receipt of the Prize.
** Winners must have a valid passport.
** All winners must be in a position to obtain a visa for Mozambique.

Categories: Contest
Tags: oros.co.za

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  • I am waiting for winners announcement. Have the winners been chosen yet?

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