#FillUpOrlando Light up the Stage Competition : Fill Up Orlando

Organization : Mobile Telephone Networks (Proprietary) Limited
Competition Name : #FillUpOrlando Light up the Stage Competition, Fill Up Orlando
Applicable For : South African citizen
Competition Deadline : 23:59 on 10 October 2016
Prize/Win : R80 000.00

Website :

#FillUpOrlando Light up the Stage Competition :

1 Campaign :
** #FillUpOrlando. Light up the stage (the “Competition”). This Competition is organized by Mobile Telephone Networks (Proprietary) Limited (“MTN” / the “Promoter”).

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2 Campaign Period :
** The Competition commences on 0:01 on 26 September 2016 and will continue until 23:59 on 10 October 2016 (the “Competition Period”).

3 Who May Enter :
3.1 To be eligible to enter, the entrant must :
3.1.1 be a South African citizen;
3.1.2 be a natural person; and
3.1.3 be 18 years or older.

3.2 An entrant shall not be eligible to enter if that entrant is a party to :
3.2.1 A talent management contract or a contract with a talent agent;
3.2.2 An existing music recording contract either alone or as a member of a group;
3.2.3 Any existing agreement which relates to the use by another person of that Entrant’s name, alias, voice or likeness;
3.2.4 Any exclusive acting agreement; or
3.2.5 A professional contract.

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4 How to Enter :
4.1 During the Competition Period, the entrants that meet all of the criteria referred to in clause 3 above must do the following in order to stand a chance to win
4.1.1 Entrants must visit MTN Play ( where they need to : Fill in the following personal information in the form on the MTN Play website: Artists/DJ’s full name – name and surname – (this will become your user name); Identity document number; Cell number; Email address; Year of birth; Gender; City; Biography up to 180-character max; Personal message up to 180 character max; and Create password / confirm password. Upload an audio file of your song / mix Provide the Name of the song / mix; For the song. the Promoter may request the original lyrics. Where the lyrics is in another language as English, a translation will be required. Upload the song / mix in (mp3) up to 6 MB. Entrants shall only submit songs / mixes, which do not exceed three (3) minutes in length, which are the original work of that Entrant and result from that Entrant’s independent effort. For the music artist: Only an original song that has original lyrics and music can be applied for registration. For the DJ’s: Only an original mix that has the originally remixed music can be applied for registration. The songs mixed do not need to be original, but the mixing technique must be original.

4.1.2 Applications will not be considered complete without any of the required attachments.
4.1.3 Only an original song that has the original lyrics and music can be applied for the registration. As above, the songs mixed do not need to be original, but the mixing technique must be original.

4.4.6 The roadshow dates are as follows: 14 October 2016 15 October 2016 16 October 2016
The winners must be available for the roadshows.

5 The Prize :
5.1 Entrants that fulfil the requirements stated in clause 3 and 4 above, stand a chance to win:
5.2 The opportunity to perform hers/his song / mix live at the Orlando Stadium on 29 October 2016 as per the official event Plan
5.3 The Winners shall perform their songs / mixes, and execute their acts, devoid of obscenity or otherwise offensive material.
5.4 The Winners may be sanctioned by the Organizers, as the Organizers see fit, if this provision is contravened.

5.5 MTN / The Concert organizer shall take all reasonable steps to prepare the winners for the live stage performance
5.6 MTN or the Concert organizer shall organize and manage a stage performance of winners during the live concert.
5.7 MTN shall cover all travel and hospitality costs for the winners to be taken to Johannesburg, in case winner is not from Johannesburg.

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