National Senior Certificate Examination Timetable 2017 : Department Of Basic

Name of the Organization : Department Of Basic Education
Announcement : National Senior Certificate (Nsc) Examination Timetable 2016
Head Office : Pretoria

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NSC Examination Timetable 2016 :

NSC Examination :
** The National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations commonly referred to as “matric” has become an annual event of major public significance.

Related : Department Of Basic Education National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations :

** It not only signifies the culmination of twelve years of formal schooling but the NSC examinations is a barometer of the health of the education system.
** The first national examination, under the newly elected democratic government was administered in November 1996, following a highly decentralized approach.

Timetable 2016 :

 WEEK 1 09:00 14:00
Monday 24/10 Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telegu HL, FAL, SAL P1 (2hrs)

Arabic, Italian, Spanish,

Modern Greek SAL P1 (2hrs)

Latin SAL P1 (3hrs)

Portuguese HL, FAL, SAL P1 (2hrs)

German HL, SAL P1 (2hrs)

Urdu FAL and SAL P1

Serbian SAL P1 (2hrs)

Tuesday 25/10 Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telegu HL P2 (2½hrs) FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs)

Arabic, Italian, Spanish SAL P2 (2hrs) Latin SAL P2 (1½hrs)

Modern Greek SAL P2 (2hrs)

Related Post
Portuguese HL P2 (2½hrs) FAL, SAL P2 (2hrs) German HL P2 (2½hrs) SAL P2 (2hrs)

Urdu FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs)

Serbian SAL P2 (2hrs)

Wednesday 26/10 English HL and FAL P1 (2hrs)

SAL P1 (2½hrs)

Portuguese HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs)

German HL P3 (2½hrs),

Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Tamil, Telegu HL and FAL P3 (2½hrs)

French SAL, Hebrew SAL P1 (2hrs)

Thursday 27/10 Accounting (3hrs) Civil Technology (3hrs)
Friday 28/10 Mathematics P1 (3hrs)

Mathematical Literacy P1 (3hrs)

Religion Studies P1 (2hrs)
 WEEK 2 09:00 14:00
Monday 31/10 Mathematics P2 (3hrs)

Mathematical Literacy P2 (3hrs)

French SAL, Hebrew SAL P2 (2hrs)
Tuesday 01/11 isiZulu, isiXhosa, Siswati, isiNdebele HL and FAL P1 (2hrs) SAL P1 (2½hrs) Economics P1 (2hrs)
Wednesday 02/11 Geography (Theory) P1 (3hrs) Geography (Map work) P2 (1½hrs)
Thursday 03/11 Afrikaans HL and FAL P1 (2hrs)

SAL P1 (2½hrs)

Computer Application Tech P2 Theory (3hrs)
Friday 04/11 Physical Sciences (Physics) P1 (3hrs)
 WEEK 3 09:00 14:00
Monday 07/11 Physical Sciences (Chemistry) P2 (3hrs)
Tuesday 08/11 Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Xitsonga, Tshivenda HL and FAL P1 (2hrs) and

SAL P1 (2½hrs)

Economics P2 (2hrs)
Wednesday 09/11 English HL P2 (2½hrs)

FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs)

Dance Studies (3hrs)

Electrical Technology (3hrs)

Thursday 10/11 isiZulu, isiXhosa, Siswati, isiNdebele HL P2 (2½hrs) FAL and SAL P2 (2hrs) Tourism (3hrs)
Friday 11/11 Life Sciences P1 (2½hrs) Visual Arts (3hrs)

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