Chief Education Specialist : Department Of Basic

Company Name : Department Of Basic Education
Job Title : Chief Education Specialist/ Director
Department : Curriculum Implementation And Quality Improvement
Closing Date:17 October 2016
Ref Number: 20287/01
Location : Pretoria
Employment Type : Permanent

Website :
Guideline :

Chief Education Specialist :

Requirements :
** Applicants must be in possession of an appropriate three-year Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent qualification) supplemented by at least seven (7) years’ teaching experience, including management experience in Services subjects, supporting and supervising teachers in a province and district/s and circuits.

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** The successful candidate will be expected to have extensive knowledge of and insight into education policies and legislation for Further Education and Training, Grades 10-12
** Sound knowledge of issues, challenges and initiatives, pertaining to the teaching and learning, and promotion and progression in South Africa is essential

** Research and development skills, strategic planning skills, verbal and written communication skills, experience in policy making processes, computer literacy, sound knowledge of and experience in the development of curriculum and assessment in the Services field i.e

** Tourism; Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies are also essential
** The incumbent must be able to take initiative with regard to challenges, be able to promote, plan and implement effective teaching and learning of Services subjects
** The ability to work in a team and knowledge of at least two official languages will be added advantages.

Salary : All-Inclusive remuneration package of R757 431 per annum

Duties :
** Strategic management of the curriculum in terms of legislation and policy for the FET Band;
** Monitoring, evaluating and appraising the implementation of curriculum and assessment;

** Liaising with provincial departments of education to render professional assistance in capacity building related to learning, teaching and assessment in Tourism, Consumer Studies and Hospitality
** Conceptualising, designing and managing projects for Tourism, Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies within the Department’s line function;

** Writing reports, submissions, speeches and policy documents; and
** Engaging with relevant role players and stakeholders; and Developing materials for Tourism, Consumer Studies and Hospitality Studies.

Selection process :
** The applicant must be prepared to undergo an intensive selection process involving interviews, tasks to be completed on focused activities within a specified time e.g developing, writing and delivering presentations on supplied topics.

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Enquiries : Ms J Masipa, tel. (012) 357 3295/ Ms N Monyela (012) 357 3294

Director Curriculum Implementation And Quality Improvement :
Requirements :
** A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Education

** At least five (5) years experience at Middle/Senior Management level and ten (10) years’ experience in working within the GET band, in the Basic Education Sector Knowledge of the key challenges in General Education and Training (GET) and how these can be mediated to improve learner performance in schools

** In depth knowledge of the National Curriculum Statement and its implementation in the GET sector
** Knowledge of the National Qualifications Framework and Curriculum Development processes
** Knowledge of and ability to work with critical stakeholders within the Sector to strengthen the implementation of GET

** The ability to ensure the development and implementation of Norms and Standards in line with section 3 and 8 of the National Education Policy Act
** The ability to provide strategic leadership to the GET sector
** Good general management skills

** A thorough understanding of and experience in all processes involved in project management
** The ability to co-ordinate and manage the finances of the directorate in line with PFMA and procurement processes
** Good and functional knowledge of Government prescripts, knowledge of Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting systems and processes and project management

** Planning and organising skills
** Strong leadership, advanced computer skills
** Good interpersonal relations and the ability to handle pressure
** A valid driver’s licence.

Salary : All- Inclusive remuneration package of R898 743 per annum

Duties :
** The Management and the Administration of the Directorate;
** The Implementation of the National Strategy for Learner Attainment (NSLA);

** Special Interventions and Support Programmes to provinces, district and schools
** Curriculum Implementation Monitoring and Support for GET;
** Strengthen intra-and inter- sectoral collaboration;

** Plan for assessment support in schools;
** Receive and quality assure learning and support material;
** Provide professional support to provinces/district/schools in curriculum implementation; and
** Develop and maintain policy concerning curriculum qualifications and assessment.

How to Apply :
Applications :
Submitted via post to :
Private Bag X895,
Pretoria, 0001
via hand-delivery to :
The Department of Basic Education,
222 Struben Street, Pretoria.
** Please visit the Department of Education’s website at or the Department of Public Service and Administration vacancy circulars at
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