woodlandsboulevard.co.za Win R10 000 weekly and a grand prize of R20 000 : Woodlands Boulevard Shopping Centre

Organization : Woodlands Boulevard Shopping Centre
Competition Name : Win R10 000 weekly and a grand prize of R20 000
Applicable For : Only open to South African residents
Competition Deadline : Monday 31 October 2016
Prize/Win : R10 000

Website : https://woodlandsboulevard.co.za/
Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/1157-Spend_to_Win.pdf

Win R10 000 weekly and a grand prize of R20 000 :

** This competition is undertaken by Hyprop Investments Limited (registration number: 1987/005284/06) and Woodlands Boulevard Shopping Centre (“Promoter”).
** These rules are the official rules of the competition (“Competition Rules”).

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1. Eligibility and Participation :
1.1. The competition is organised and undertaken by the Promoter and the sponsors.

1.2. Any person who is a director, member, business partner, employee or agent of or consultant to the Promoter or sponsors or any of their immediate families, including spouses, life partners, parents, children, brothers or sisters or any tenants or their employees in the Shopping Centre or sponsors or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter or sponsors is not eligible to participate in this competition.

1.3. Any person who is a supplier of goods or services in connection with this competition is not eligible to participate in this competition.
1.4. The competition is only open to South African residents and participants must be over the age of 18 years.

1.5. You are not eligible to win the prize if you have previously won a prize promoted by Woodlands Boulevard Centre Management to the minimum value of R1 000 including VAT in the last 24 months from the start date of this competition.

1.6. A detailed copy of all of the Competition Rules is available on .woodlandsboulevard.co.za or from Centre Management’s office on the corner of Garsfontein road and De Villebois Mareuil drive, Pretorius Park, Pretoria East, downstairs from the entrance closest to Nedbank during Centre Management’s office hours.

2. Entries and Closing Date :
2.1. The competition will run from Saturday 1 October 2016 to Monday 31 October 2016 (both days inclusive).

2.2. To enter the competition all participants need to:
2.2.1. spend R500 or more with a single purchase at any store in woodlands Boulevard Shopping Centre;
2.2.2. sms “Woodlands”; <<Name & Surname >> to 45264;
2.2.3. keep original purchase receipt used to enter;
2.2.4. enter on the same day of purchase.

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2.3. Limited to one entry per day, per person.
2.4. The date of entry to correspond to the date on the purchase slip used to enter.
2.5. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility for any entries that are lost or delayed.
2.6. Faxes and photocopies of entries are not accepted.
2.7. Only entries which are displayed on the Promoter’s records will be deemed to be the only successful entries in this competition.

2.8. The closing dates for this competition are :
2.8.1. Friday 7 October at 23h59 for the first weekly winner. No late entries will be accepted.
2.8.2. Friday 14 October at 23h59 for the second weekly winner. No late entries will be accepted.
2.8.3. Friday 21 October at 23h59 for the third weekly winner. No late entries will be accepted.
2.8.4. Friday 28 October at 23h59 for the fourth weekly winner. No late entries will be accepted.
2.8.5. Monday 31 October at 23h59 for the grand prize winner. No late entries will be accepted.

3. Prize :
3.1. The prizes are Woodlands Gift Cards valued as below :
3.1.1. R10 000 for the first weekly draw;
3.1.2. R10 000 for the second weekly draw;
3.1.3. R10 000 for the third weekly draw;
3.1.4. R10 000 for the fourth weekly draw;
3.1.5. R20 000 for the grand prize draw.

3.2. The prize is available for collection 7 working days after the announcement of the winners. If not collected within 31 days (including weekends and public holidays) from time of announcement, the winner will forfeit the prize.

3.3. The prize must be collected by the winner at the Woodlands Boulevard Centre Management offices.

3.4. The prize is not transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
3.5. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value if the original prize is unavailable.

4. Selection of the Prize Winner :
4.1. The winner will be randomly selected by means of a certified method of selection as recorded in point 4.2.
4.2. The prize winner will be the first entry drawn by lot or chance by the judge.

4.3. The winners will be announced on dates as below and notified telephonically :
4.3.1. First week winner: Monday 10 October 2016;
4.3.2. Second week winner: Monday 17 October 2016;
4.3.3. Third week winner: Monday 24 October 2016;
4.3.4. Fourth week winner: Monday 31 October 2016;
4.3.5. Grand Prize winner: Wednesday 2 November 2016.

4.4. The prize winner’s name will be published on the Shopping Centre’s website .woodlandsboulevard.co.za within 8 working days of the draw.

Contact Address :
Corner of Garstfontein road
and De Villebois Mareuil drive
Pretorius Park, Pretoria East

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  • I want to win all these competitions.

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