sars.gov.za How To Access Your My Compliance Profile Via SARS eFiling : South African Revenue Service

Organisation : South African Revenue Service
Status of Facility : How To Access Your “My Compliance Profile” (MCP) Via SARS eFiling
Head Office : Pretoria
Website : https://www.sars.gov.za/individuals/manage-your-tax-compliance-status/how-to-access-my-compliance-profile/

How To Access Your MCP Via SARS eFiling?

How To Access Your “My Compliance Profile” (MCP) Via SARS eFiling :
** The MCP affords taxpayers the opportunity to view their tax compliance status as determined by SARS in order to remedy any non-compliance identified.

Related : South African Revenue Service How To Request Your Tax Compliance Status : www.southafricain.com/11120.html

** The introduction of the MCP empowers taxpayers with more information about their tax compliance and underpins the replacement of the current Tax Clearance Certificate system.

** It is important that you regularly view your Tax Compliance Status. This can now be done simply and easily via SARS eFiling. Follow these steps to view your “My Compliance Profile” to get a view of your tax compliance status or the reasons why you may not be tax compliant and how to fix the non-compliance.

Steps For SARS eFiling

Step 1 : Logon to eFiling
** Logon to eFiling by using your login name and password. If you are not yet an eFiler, register at .sarsefiling.co.za.
** You need to be registered for eFiling and have one tax product [such as Income Tax, Value-Added Tax (VAT) or Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE)] already activated on your taxpayer profile in order to activate the Tax Compliance Status (TCS) service.

Step 2 : Activate the Tax Compliance Status service
** EFiling administrators for organisations and tax practitioners must ensure that the correct rights are allocated to users who need access to the tax compliance status function. For more information on allocating these rights, please refer to the “Guide to the Tax Compliance Status Functionality on eFiling”.

** You only need to activate your Tax Compliance Status once and it will remain active. Complete the Merge Entities function to see a complete profile of all taxes (if you are registered for more than one tax). Once you have activated it and you have merged or declared all your registered tax reference numbers, you will be given access to your “My Compliance Profile” (MCP).

Step 3: View your “My Compliance Profile”
** You can view your tax compliance profile by selecting the “My Compliance Profile” menu option.

Your compliance status will be displayed as determined by SARS against the following four compliance requirements :
** Registration Status – you have to be registered and active for the tax products that you are liable for;
** Submission of Returns – make sure that no returns are outstanding after the filing due dates;

** Debt – make sure that you do not have any outstanding tax debt with SARS for which payment arrangements have not been made;
** Relevant Supporting Documents – make sure that you did not fail to submit information requested from you by SARS.

This is what the MCP screen looks like :
** A colour-coded profile will appear to indicate whether you are tax compliant or not.
** Red – Your tax affairs are not in order and you are not tax compliant
** Green – Your tax affairs are in order and you are tax compliant.

** By selecting the expand buttons on the left hand side of Registration, Returns Submission, Debt and Relevant Supporting Documents, more information regarding the compliance status will be displayed for the eFiler. If you see a red button for non-compliance, expand it to see the underlying cause for the non-compliance and how to fix it.

** These colour-coded indicators are an overall summary of your tax compliance status with regard to your compliance requirements.

Guide To Tax Compliance Status

Guide To The Tax Compliance Status Functionality On eFiling :
Introduction :
** The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is using modernisation as a strategic initiative to ensure that technology is used effectively and efficiently. As part of enhancing the quality of our taxpayer experience, the Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) application process will be modernised over a period of time.

** This project aims to align the taxpayer compliance and tax clearance certificate process to the SARS modernisation vision through transforming the current tax clearance process from a predominantly manual process to a taxpayer driven, self-help, and electronic process.

Related Post

Activate Tax Compliance Status Rights :
** eFiling administrators for tax practitioner and organisation profiles must ensure that the correct rights are allocated to users for tax compliance status access in order for the functionality to be available.

** Ensure that the correct taxpayer is selected from the “Taxpayer list”.
** Click “Organisation”, “Rights Group” and then “Manage Groups”.

** The “Group Details” page will be displayed, click the “Open” hyperlink.
** Select the “Tax Compliance Status” option and click “Update” to activate the tax compliance status functionality.

** To set the applicable rights in order to gain access to the TCS/ TCC verification functionality, select the option “Tax Compliance Status Verification” to enable you to verify the tax compliance status of taxpayers by using the PIN or the TCC details.

Activation Of Tax Compliance Status System :
Tax Compliance Status Activation :
** Activation of the Tax Compliance status enables the eFiler to view the My Compliance Dashboard. The MCP displays all tax types that the taxpayer is registered for; irrespective if the tax types are active on eFiling.

Note :
** it is critical that taxpayers with multiple tax types complete the “Merge Entities” function to ensure a complete compliance profile that is reflective of all the taxes that the taxpayer is registered for at SARS.

** For tax practitioner and organisation profiles, ensure that the correct taxpayer is selected from the taxpayer list before proceeding with the Tax Status functionality.

** The steps to activate the tax compliance status are the same for Individual, Organisation and Tax Practitioner eFiling profiles.
** Select “Tax Status” tab from the main menu items at the top of the eFiling page.
** A “Tax Compliance Status” introductory message will be displayed with hyperlinks to the TCS application and verification functionalities.

What do I do if “My Compliance Profile” is RED?
Option 1 : Remedy Non Compliance
** In order to address non-compliance, you can select the “Non-compliant” status indicator to see what steps need to be taken to rectify the non-compliance. Alternatively, you can rectify the non-compliance through the existing channels and processes available.

Option2 : Challenging your tax compliance status
** If you are not satisfied or do not agree with your tax compliance status, you can motivate why SARS needs to re-evaluate your tax compliance status.

** This can be done on eFiling by clicking on “Challenge Status” and providing a motivation as to why SARS should re-evaluate your tax compliance status. After submission you will receive an acknowledgement letter and case number. If you have supporting documentation as proof of your case, you will also now be able to submit it via the case work page.

** The “My Account Enquiries” function under the Tax Compliance Status menu allows you to view account enquiries including progress on “Challenge Status” submissions.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the South African Revenue Service (SARS):

Q: What is SARS?
A: SARS is the acronym for the South African Revenue Service. It is the government agency responsible for collecting taxes and customs duties in South Africa.

Q: What types of taxes does SARS collect?
A: SARS collects various taxes including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), customs duties, and excise duties.

Q: Who is required to pay taxes in South Africa?
A: All individuals and entities that earn income in South Africa are required to pay taxes. This includes both residents and non-residents.

Q: When are taxes due in South Africa?
A: The due dates for tax payments in South Africa vary depending on the type of tax being paid. Generally, income tax is due by the end of each tax year (which is the last day of February), while VAT is due on a monthly basis.

Categories: Facilities
Tags: sars.gov.za

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  • wayne chikoore says:

    when do i going to get my tax number.

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