Afrihost How To Do A SIM SWAP

Name of the Organization : Afrihost (Pty) Ltd
Type of Facility : Afrihost How To Do A SIM SWAP
Head Office : Sandton
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Afrihost How To Do A SIM SWAP

** Replace your Afrihost SIM Card with a new one if it’s damaged, stolen or you just need a new one.

Related : Afrihost Domain Name Registration :

Request a New SIM

via ClientZone :
** Log into ClientZone.
** Click on Mobile to open the Afrihost Mobile panel.
** Select the cellphone number that you want to do the SIM Swap on and click on the SIM Swap button.

** Complete the form by filling in your personal details, selecting the correct SIM Card size and delivery method.
** You can choose to get your new SIM Card delivered straight to your door via our Courie or you can collect it at Afrihost HQ in Rivonia, Gauteng.

Required RICA Documentation

** All new SIM Cards must be RICA’ed. Please have the below documentation ready when collecting or receiving your new SIM form Afrihost.
** The actual person who is registering and RICA’ing the SIM Card must be present.

** An original identity document of the person that signed up, or equivalent if a foreigner, is required.
** Valid identity documents: Green bar-coded ID document, Smart ID, Temporary ID certificate issued by Home Affairs or a Passport.

** A document for Proof of Residence containing your physical (not postal) address. If you do not want to part with the original, please make a photocopy of it. The document should not be more than 3 months old.

** Valid Proof of Residence: Bank Statement or Municipal Bill, Cellphone or Retail Account (not older than 3 months), Exisiting Lease, Rental or Credit Agreement, Insurance Policy, Current TV or Motor Vehicle License.

** Copies of your Identity Document AND Proof of Residence.

Important :
** A driver’s license is NOT an acceptable form of identity. For lost documents like IDs, we will require an affidavit and a temporary replacement.

Complete SIM SWAP

SIM Swap for a Lost or Damaged SIM

Follow these instructions if you have lost or damaged your SIM or if your SIM has been deactivated or blocked. In this situation you cannot use your old SIM card.
** Insert new SIM Card into your device.
** Dial *141# to activate your new SIM.
** Dial *173*3# to start the SIM Swap process.

Related Post

** You will be prompted to enter the cellphone number for which you are doing the SIM swap and the reason for the doing the SIM swap.
** The cellphone number you’re doing the SIM swap for is your OLD number (NOT the new number from step 1 above).

** You will be sent an SMS containing the steps you need to take in order to complete the SIM Swap. Note that at this stage you will have to answer a set of security questions in order to continue with the SIM Swap.

** You will have 3 minutes to answer all the questions. Note that whilst answering the questions, you may skip some of the questions if you don’t know (or have the answer) to the specific question.

The questions will focus around the following topics :
** Most dialled numbers.
** Last recharge amount.
** What price plan your old number was on.
** Most frequently SMSed number.

** Last airtime balance.
** Average airtime used per month.
** Once your answers are validated, you will receive an SMS to let you know if the SIM Swap was successful.

SIM Swap for Upgrading a SIM

Follow these instructions if you are upgrading to an LTE SIM or if you need a different size SIM. In this situation your old SIM is active and you can receive an SMS on it.

** SMS ‘Swap’ to 44770 from your old SIM.
** You will receive a One Time Pin (OTP) via SMS which is valid for 15 minutes. Please save or write it down.

** Insert the new SIM Card into your device.
** You will be assigned a temporary number and you will receive a message welcoming you to the MTN Network.

** From your NEW SIM Card SMS the word ‘Swap’ and your ‘Old Number*OTP#’ to 44770.
** For example, if your personal number is 0831234567 and the OTP you received is 1234, then SMS the following to 44770: Swap 0831234567*1234#
** Switch off your phone. After a few minutes you can power on your device. Your device will now be ready to use with your new SIM Card

Important :
** Ensure that both SIM Cards are RICA’ed. Both your old AND new SIM Cards need to be RICA’ed for the SIM Swap process to work.

Give Consent

Give us Consent to Manage Your Account :
** In order for us to provide you with services – such as topping up your account every month, showing you your balances and call history via our App or ClientZone or notifying you when you reach your usage thresholds, we need you to give MTN permission to share this information with us and relay it to you.

** Without this consent we cannot access any information relating to your SIM and thus cannot provide you with any services. We understand how important your privacy is and would never divulge your information to any party other than yourself.

** Simply dial *141*774*1# to give consent

Please Note :
** It can take up to 2 hours from activating the Afrihost service on your SIM Card until you receive your airtime allocation. Usually it will happen faster, but please be mindful of the potential delay.

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