Breathecoat SA Paint Competition 2018

Organization : Breathecoat SA
Competition Name : Breathecoat SA Paint Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizens and Foreign Nationals may enter the competition
Competition Deadline : 28 February 2018
Prize : Baby Room
Website :

Breathecoat SA Paint Competition

** This competition is being run by: Breathecoat SA with company registration number: 2016/339769/07.

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** Please contact us on 021 981 5982 (weekdays during office hours 08h00 – 17h00) if you do not understand any part of these rules or if you have any questions about these rules or the competition.

Who May Enter

By entering the competition, you confirm that you have read and agree to be legally bound to these rules.

When Does The Competition Start And End?
** The competition starts at 01 February 2018 and ends at 12h00 on 28 February 2018 (“closing date”).

** This is the competition period. Breathecoat reserves the right to extend the duration of the competition, subject to these terms and conditions.
** The competition will be held over 4 weeks.

Who May Enter The Competition? (Who Qualifies For Entry Into The Draw?)
** All persons, including South African Citizens and Foreign Nationals may enter the competition.
** However, to enter you must be at least 18 years old.

To qualify to receive the prize you must :
a) Like the page Breathecoat SA
b) Tag 3 friends that would like to win
c) Share the post.

How To Enter?

** Visit Breathecoat’s Facebook page at and follow the instructions on the competition post on how to enter. Entries must be sent in the correct format with all required fields completed.


** Breathecoat SA have decided to supply paint and apply the paint for a baby room for one lucky winner.

How We Will Deliver Your Prize To You Or How You Can Collect Or Claim Your Prize ?
** Once the winner has been announced they will have 48 hours to claim their prize by sending Breathecoat SA a private message on Facebook.

How Will Winners Be Notified ?
** The winners will be announced on Breathecoat SA’s facebook page on the 01 March 2018.

Paint Application Process

** Breathecoat SA will send the lucky winner the terms and conditions for the application process once it has been announced.

** Note that Breathecoat SA will not be responsible for removing furniture out of the room or paint off the wall. Breathecoat SA will only supply the paint and the application there of.


** Breathecoat SA has the right to end this competition at any time. If this happens, Breathecoat SA will publish a notice on Facebook and you agree to waive (give up) any rights that you may have about this competition and acknowledge that you will have no rights against Breathecoat SA. Breathecoat SA reserves the right to change these rules of the competition.

** Breathecoat SA will publish changes on and our facebook page For convenience only, the date on which these rules were last amended is shown above.

** It is your responsibility to check the websites for amendments to these rules. The clauses in these rules are severable. This means that if any clause in these rules is found to be unlawful, it will be removed and the remaining clauses will still apply.

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