ucount.standardbank.co.za Make Your Next Swipe Count Promotional Competition : Standard Bank

Organization : Standard Bank Of South Africa Limited / Ucount Rewards
Offer Name : Standard Bank Make Your Next Swipe Count Promotional Competition
Applicable For : Permanently Reside In The Republic Of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 2 March 2018
Prize : R5000.00
Website : https://ucount.standardbank.co.za/personal/terms-and-conditions-2/promotional-terms/
Terms & Conditions : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/11035-Swipe.pdf

Standard Bank Make Your Next Swipe Count Competition

** The Standard Bank Of South Africa Limited (“Standard Bank/We/Us/Our”)
** The Standard Bank “Make Your Next Swipe Count” Promotional Competition (“Competition”) Terms And Conditions (Terms)

Related : Standard Bank Of South Africa Tiger Wheel & Tyre Spend & Get 500 Bonus Rewards Promotional Offer : www.southafricain.com/11029.html

** Important Clauses, Which May Limit Our Responsibility; Place An Obligation On You To Indemnify Us; Involve An Acknowledgement Of Any Fact; Or Involve Some Risk For You, Will Be In Bold And Italics Or Highlighted. You Must Pay Special Attention To These Clauses.


The Competition Starts At 05:00 On Monday, 26 February 2018 And Ends At 08:00 on Friday, 2 March 2018 (Competition Period).

Entrant Requirements

2.1 To qualify as an entrant into this Competition you must meet all of the following requirements:
2.1.1 be 18 (eighteen) years of age or older;
2.1.2 be a South African citizen who holds a valid South African identity document; and
2.1.3 permanently reside in the Republic of South Africa.

How To Enter

3.1 Listen to the radio broadcast on Metro FM radio station (Radio Station) every day during the Competition Period between 05:00 and 08:00.
3.2 At around 07:00 the Presenter will open the lines and take two callers on-air. The callers will be vetted by the Producer before going on air.

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3.3 The Radio Station host will allow the two callers to tell their story about their most lavish, ridiculous and outrageous spending habits live on air. The on-air team will select a daily winner.
3.4 There are no forms to fill in and once you meet the requirements set out in clause 2 above and this clause 3, you will automatically be entered into the Competition.


4.1 Each day during the Competition Period 1 (one) entrant stands the chance to win R5000.00 (five thousand Rand) (Prize).

4.2 If the Prize winner is a Standard Bank UCount Rewards member he/she will receive 5000 Bonus UCount Rewards points.
4.3 The Prize winner will be announced on air on the day of choosing the winner and will be notified by a representative of RadioHeads (Agency) via telephone within 24 (twenty four) hours of selecting the winner.

4.4 The Prize will be deposited into a Standard Bank account if the Prize winner holds and account with us, alternatively a bank account nominated by the Prize winner, within 6 (six) weeks of notifying them that they have won a Prize.


5.1 We are the promoter of the Competition. Any reference to we/us/our includes our directors, members, partners, sponsors, agents or consultants, where the context allows for it.
5.2 These Terms are governed by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 and will apply to this Competition and all other information relating to it.

5.3 You are not eligible to participate in this Competition if:
5.3.1 you are a director, member, partner, employee, agent or consultant of ours;
5.3.2 you are an immediate family member of any of the persons specified in clause 5.3.1; or
5.3.3 you are the sponsor of the Competition.
5.4 By entering this Competition, all entrants agree to be bound by these Terms.

5.5 The Prize winner, in addition to complying with these Terms and any other terms and conditions which may be prescribed by Standard Bank from time to time, must comply with the terms and conditions of the organisers, suppliers, Agency and third parties involved in the Competition (if applicable).

5.6 All information relating to the Competition and published on our website or any promotional or advertising material form part of these Terms.

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