eisteddfod.co.za : 15th National Young Performer Awards Competition 2018

Organization : National Eisteddfod of South Africa
Competition Name : 15th National Eisteddfod Young Performer Awards Competition 2018
Applicable For : Open For All Top Achievers
Competition Deadline : 2 March 2018
Prizes : Gold (+R35000), Silver (+R10000) and Bronze (+R5000) medals
Website : https://eisteddfod.co.za/
Rules & Regulation : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/10993-RULES.pdf
Entry Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/10993-FORM.pdf

15th National Eisteddfod Young Performer Awards Competition

** This competition is open for all top achievers in the National Eisteddfod during 2017, as well as top achievers in all other local eisteddfods.

Related : Southern African Development Community SADC Media Awards Competition 2018 : www.southafricain.com/10604.html

** Participants in the National Eisteddfod 2017 that qualified to enter can enter here online!
** The National Eisteddfod is calling for entries for the 15th Young Performer Awards Competition, with total prize money of R100,000.

** The Final Round, to be presented at the Roodepoort Theatre on 19 May 2018 will see Gold (+R35000), Silver (+R10000) and Bronze (+R5000) medals, as well as other cash prizes awarded to the best performers in music, dance and drama.

More about the Young Performer Awards Competition :
** The Young Performer Awards competition is known as one of the most prestigious event of its kind in South Africa. This competition expect skills, knowledge and understanding that are exceptionally high. With prizes up to the value of R100 000, “cute” is simply not enough.

** The Young Performer Awards is presented over four elimination rounds, and is by invitation only. Those who received diploma awards in the annual National Eisteddfod avtivities or other similar eisteddfods and events qualify to compete in this competition (excluding all reading, unprepared and improvised categories).

** The first round comprises of adjudicated events, where the adjudicator panels nominate no less than 200 participants to proceed to the quarter final round. The quarter finals take on a similar format, but participants are reduced to approximately 15-20 per category. The best performers in each of the categories will proceed to the semi-finals.

** The 4 semi-final rounds of Young Performer Awards competition are presented in concert format at the Roodepoort theatre. Each concert is dedicated to a participation category. The best junior and senior participants in each category will proceed to the final round, to be presented at the Roodepoort Theatre on 19 May 2018.

** In the final round, participants will be adjudicated by a panel of experts in each of the five participation categories. Here the Gold, Silver and Bronze Young Performer Awards will be awarded to the overal best performances. Additional awards will also be presented to the best senior and junior performers in each genre.

How Do I Enter

How do I enter for the Young Performer Awards Competion?
Participants in the National Eisteddfod 2017 that received Diploma awards for their performances in 2017 can enter HERE.

Participants in other eisteddfods of similar events may also enter for the Young Performer Awards Competition on the following conditions:
** Achievement of 90% and more is required
** Proof of achievement is required
** The entry fee for “Other Festivals” apply
** An entry should be submitted on the official entry form. Download a copy of the hardcopy entry Entry Form for other festivals.

Rules & Regulations

** By entering this competition the participant accepts the rules of the competition as provided below and in supplementary documents on the website.

** Only diploma level candidates in the National Eisteddfod of South Africa in 2017 (or similar achievements in other festivals and competition) may enter (excluding all reading and unprepared / improvised categories).

** Participants with 5 entries or more in the National Eisteddfod of SA® 2017 have the option to submit additional entries, over and above the ones that they have qualified for. Other items for which gold was awarded in the same category as the ones that they have qualified for, may also be entered for this competition. Terms and Conditions apply and is subject to prior approval. Apply by email to NEAAwards2018 AT eisteddfod.co.za, providing your name, surname and unique participant number.

** Grades refer to the relevant school grade as in 2017.
** Entry fees will be determined by the date of submission.
** Entry fees / proof of payment should accompany all entries.
** Entry fees are NOT refundable.
** The decision of the adjudicators is final and NO correspondence in this regard can be allowed.
** All categories will be grouped and scheduled according to the grade code.

Two options are available for adjudication in the FIRST ROUND :
Live Performance :
** A participant will be required to perform live at the Roodepoort Theater according to the schedule of events that will be provided.

Related Post

Recorded Video Entry :
** A participant will be required to submit a VIDEO recording of his/her performance for adjudication (first round only). Subsequent rounds will require a live performance.

Live Performance :
** First Round live performances, Quarter Final, Semi-Final and Final Events will be scheduled and adjudicated at the Roodepoort Theatre (Main Theatre and Basement Theatre).

** Due to the nature of this competition, no changes in the schedule can be allowed.
** A panel of 3 adjudicators will adjudicate all events and recordings. The feedback for “live performances” will be handed out at the end of each session at the venue.

Video Recorded Entries :
** Recorded entries allow talented performers anywhere in the country to participate in the first round without the need to travel to Roodepoort. This will cut costs for these participants significantly.

** A panel of adjudicators will adjudicate all recordings.
** The feedback for “recorded performances” will be e-mailed / faxed to the relevant participants.

** Participants should take careful note of the requirements for recorded entries. The requirements for recording a video entry is available on the NEA website. (.eisteddfod.co.za).
** Any participant that proceeds to a next round will have to perform “live” at the Roodepoort Theatre.
** All video recorded entries should reach the NEA not later than 9 March 2018.

Adjudication Process

First Round : 19 February – 17 March 2018
** A panel of adjudicators will adjudicate all entries at the Roodepoort Theatre.

Quarter Final Round: 22 – 27 March 2018
** A limited number of participants will be identified during the First Round for participation in the Quarter Final Round. Invitations to these participants will be forwarded to cell numbers/e-mail addresses as provided on the entry forms. It is therefore important to ensure that this information is provided with great care.

Semi-Final Round: 9 – 12 May 2018
** The Semi-Final Round will be presented as evening concerts at the Roodepoort Theatre. Separate events will be presented for Speech & drama, Music, Dance etc.

Only a limited number of participants will be invited to each of the semi-final events, therefore certificates will also be awarded at these events to top achievers in the previous rounds who did not make it to the semi-finals. The overall junior and senior winners of all sections will be announced at each of these semi-final concerts.

Final Event: 19 May 2018
** The overall junior and senior winners of all sections will finally compete for the overall awards on 19 May at the Roodepoort Theatre.

Rescheduling Of Events :
** The rescheduling of any event is subject to very specific conditions. Kindly refer to the website for more information.

Entry Fees For Performance Events

** The entry fee for the National Eisteddfod Young Performer Award Competition is a ONCE-OFF entry fee. No additional fees are charged for subsequent rounds.

Closing dates: LIVE PERFORMANCE – Individual entry:
12 February : EARLY BIRD ONLINE INDIVIDUAL ENTRY : R 400 – closed
23 February : Extended NORMAL ONLINE entries: R 440
2 March : Late ONLINE entries: R 650

Closing dates: LIVE PERFORMANCE – Small groups:
23 February: Extended NORMAL ONLINE entries: R 500
2 March : Late ONLINE entries: R 710

Closing dates: LIVE PERFORMANCE – Large groups:
23 February: Extended NORMAL ONLINE entries: R640
2 March : Late ONLINE entries: R870

Hard copy entries :
2 March: See Entry form for other festivals below for details.

Submit your entry ONLINE*:
Please select your entry type :
** Individual entry
** Small Group entry (2 – 10 participants)
** Large Group entry (more than 10 participants
*Only participants in the National Eisteddfod of South Africa 2017 can submit entries online.

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