ARSO 5th Continental Essay Competition 2018 : African Organization for Standardisation

Organization : African Organization for Standardisation
Competition Name : ARSO Continental Essay Competition
Applicable For : Open To Citizens Of All African Countries
Competition Deadline : 21st March 2018
Website :
Terms & Conditions :
Registration Form :

ARSO Continental Essay Competition

** The Africa-wide development agenda, as championed by the African Union (AU), is focused on regional integration and the formation of an African Economic Community (AEC) as laid out in the 1980 Lagos Plan of Action for the Economic Development of Africa and the Abuja Treaty of 1991 African Union (2013).

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** “Role of Quality Infrastructure and Standardisation in facilitating Trade and sustainable Development within the African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) ”

5th Essay Competition

** The Competition aims to have 3 categories of winners: the National, Regional and Continental. In this regard, ARSO is requesting all the National Standards Bodies in Africa to organise the competition at the National level and send out the attached documents (5th Continental Essay Concept Paper and the Registration Form) to the var-ious Universities /Colleges eligible for the competition.

** The NSB is expected to conduct the competition at National level. This entails sending out the relevant documents to Colleges/ Universities, receiving the essays from the participants, doing the assessment and awarding or giving recognition to the winners as appropriate to the NSB.

** The organizers are inviting students in institutions of higher learning in Africa (Colleges/ Universities approved by their local commission of higher education) to submit their essays on the theme: “Role of Quality Infrastructure and Standardisation in facilitating Trade and sustainable Development within the African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) ” to their respective National Standards Bod-ies (NSBs) email addresses. (Confirm with your re-spective NSBs on the submission dates)

** Kindly note that a minimum of 25 participants should be registered with respective NSBs in order for them to proceed to regional competition. The deadline for submitting top three winners by Nation-al Standards Bureaus (NSBs) is 21st March 2018 through essay AT

Entry Rules & Conditions

1. This competition is open to Citizens of all African Countries below the age of 35 years living in Africa and studying in a university/college recog-nised by the local commission for university education or equivalent body in their countries
2. Length of essays : Essays should be between 1000 and 1200 words
3. Presentation: Essays should be double spaced and presented in Century Gothic, size 12

4. Language of essays: Essays may be submitted in English or French

5. Information on the author: Authors may use up to 50 words to describe themselves. Information should include their names, course and year of study, name, town and country in which their university is located. (N. B: this will not be part of the 1000- 1200 words)

6. Contacts of authors: Authors should provide us with their postal, physical, telephone and email addresses on the first page of the essay together with the title of the essay and information on the author. Also kindly attach a copy of the Identity Card or pass port and a completely filled reg-istration form that can be obtained from Apex ( and ARSO (

7. Eligibility :
The following essays are not eligible for this competition :
** Essays that have been shown or accepted for other competitions.
** Essays that have been published in any form.
** Essays that focus on the work of a particular person, organization or brand name.

8. Number of essays to submitted: Participants are only allowed to submit one essay.

What the Organisers are looking for—Not Necessarily in the Order Below :
There are different areas on the Role of Quality Infra-structure and Standardisation in facilitating Trade and sustainable Development within Africa :

** Benefits of Quality Infrastructure within the Con-text of Regional Integration;
** Status and challenges of Quality Infrastructure;
** The Quality Infrastracture as a catalyst for improv-ing the quality of products and services within Af-rica

** The effectiveness of the Quality Infrastucture ar-chitecture within Africa in supporting and strengthening the ability to improve the quality of goods and services
** The Benefits to Consumers, Manufacturers and suppliers, Regulators and The government
** Specific Benefits of Quality Infrastructure to Con-sumers, Manufacturers and suppliers, Regulators and The government

The Essay Should Have

1. A precise introduction of the essay
2. Explanation of the problems in the implementation of CFTA with relation to Quality Infrastructure
3. General understanding of standards and quality in-frastructure

4. General knowledge of the Status and challenges of Quality Infrastructure in Africa
5. How standards contribute to Quality Infrastructure in Africa
6. A clear example in the society on how Quality Infra-structure has been used to easen and improve trade and free flow of goods within Africa or in your country
7. Conclusion

Prizes for Winners

There will be two levels of winners :
At Regional Level :
** 1st position – USD 500
** 2nd position –USD 300
** 3rd position – USD 200

At Continental Level :
** 1st position – (male and female) each USD 1000
** 2nd position –USD 800
** 3rd position – USD 500
** In addition the winners will be given a trip and accommodation to the next ARSO G.A (ARSO General Assembly) event that will take place in 2017 to be honored.

Selection of Winners in Regions :
The selection of winners at regional level will be done according to the UNECA clustering of African states as follows.
Central Africa :
Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Sao Tome & Principe

Eastern Africa :
Burundi, Comoros, D.R Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda

North Africa :
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia

Southern Africa :
Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe

West Africa :
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and To-go

Contact Address :
South Africa
Ms Zingisa Motloba
Chief Executive Officer
South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
E-mail: info AT , mehlomb AT
Contact Person
Richard Sadiki
Email:richard.sadiki AT
Ms. Thabisa Mbungwana
Email: mbungwana AT

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