NSC Examination Religion Studies Question Paper : Department of Basic

Organisation : Department of Basic Education
Exam : National Senior Certificate Examinations
Document Type : NSC Sample Question Paper
Subject : Religion Studies
Category : Grade 12
Year : 2017
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Education NSC Examination Religion Studies Question Paper

Marks : 150
Time : 2 hours
** This question paper consists of 9 pages.

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Instructions & Information

1. This question paper consists of SECTION A and SECTION B.
3. SECTION B: Answer any TWO questions in this section.
4. Read ALL the questions carefully.
5. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
6. Write neatly and legibly.

Sample Question

Section A

1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Write down the question number (1.1.1–1.1.10), choose the answer and make a cross (X) over the letter (A–D) of your choice in the ANSWER BOOK
To establish communication with ancestors, worshippers of the African Traditional Religion must engage in …
A stories.
B rituals.
C miracles.
D ubuntu.(1)

1.1.2 The Tao is …
A the universe.
B the path of the universe.
C oscillation.
D All the above-mentioned (1)

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1.1.3 The mystical dimension of Islam is often called …
A a trance.
B Shi’ism.
C Sufism.
D Zakaat/Zakat.(1)

1.1.4 The founder of Taoism was …
A Tao-te Ching.
B Buddha.
C Chuang-Tzu.
D Lao-tzu. (1)

1.1.5 The collection of teachings of the Prophet Muhammad is called the …
A Qur’an.
B Vedas.
C Tripitaka.
D Hadith.

1.2 Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing word(s). Write only the word(s) next to the question number (1.2.1–1.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.2.1 The Bahá’i faith originated in the country presently called … (1)
1.2.2 In Buddhism Tripitaka means … (1)
1.2.3 The German priest whose teachings led to Protestantism was … (1)
1.2.4 The two opposing forces in Taoism are called … (1)
1.2.5 Jews observe Divine Law called the … (1)

1.3 Choose the word in each list below that does NOT match the rest. Write down the word and a reason next to the question number (1.3.1–1.3.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.3.1 Ancestors; Clan; Ilimo; Tanach (2)
1.3.2 Bahá’u’lláh; Haifa; Kitáb-i-Aqdas; Abu Bakr (2)
1.3.3 Brahma; Vishnu; Nirvana; Shiva (2)
1.3.4 Theravada; Pali Canon; Sanskrit, Mahayana (2)
1.3.5 Matthew; Mark; Jesus; John (2)

1.4. Each of the statements below is FALSE. Change ONE term/concept in each statement to make it TRUE. Write down the TRUE statement next to the question number (1.4.1–1.4.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
EXAMPLE: Apples and grapes are vegetables.
ANSWER: 1.4.6 Apples and grapes are fruit.
1.4.1 The most well-known Bodhisattva is Chuang-Tzu. (2)
1.4.2 The Shi’a holy shrine of Karbala is in Saudi Arabia. (2)
1.4.3 The longest epic in Hinduism is the Vedas. (2)
1.4.4 The tangible expression of the oral Torah is Nervim. (2)
1.4.5 The highest goal of Buddhist practice is Darma. (2)

Section B

Answer any TWO questions in this section.
2.1 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.
2.1.1 What role did religions play in the development of the Human Rights Charter? Give examples to illustrate the answer. (18)
2.1.2 Discuss the difference between respect and tolerance. (4)
2.1.3 How is religious tolerance different in Western and Eastern cultures? (8)
2.2 Explain the terms below in a religious context and give ONE example of each:
2.2.1 Similarity (4)
2.2.2 Identity (4)
2.2.3 Colonialism (4)
2.2.4 Unity (4)
2.2.5 Uniqueness (4) [50] © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map