education.gov.za NSC Examination Information Technology Question Paper 2017 : Department of Basic

Organisation : Department of Basic Education
Exam : National Senior Certificate Examinations
Document Type : NSC Sample Question Paper
Subject : Information Technology
Category : Grade 12
Year : 2017
Website : https://www.education.gov.za/2017FebMarchNSCExamPapers.aspx
Download Sample Question Paper :
Paper 1 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/10922-ITP1.pdf
Paper 2 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/10922-ITP2.pdf
Memo 1 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/10922-ITP2Memo.pdf
Memo 2 : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/10922-P1Memo.pdf

Education NSC Information Technology Question Paper

Marks : 150
Time : 3 hours
** This question paper consists of 16 pages.

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Instructions & Information

1. This question paper is divided into THREE sections. Candidates must answer ALL THREE sections.
2. The duration of this examination is three hours. Because of the nature of this examination it is important to note that you will not be permitted to leave the examination room before the end of the examination session.
3. This question paper is set with programming terms that are not specific to any particular programming language (Delphi/Java (using the Netbeans IDE)).
4. Make sure that you answer the questions according to the specifications that are given in each question. Marks will be awarded according to the set requirements.
5. Answer only what is asked in each question. For example, if the question does not ask for data validation, then no marks will be awarded for data validation.
6. Your programs must be coded in such a way that they will work with any data and not just the sample data supplied or any data extracts that appear in the question paper.
7. Routines, such as search, sort and selection, must be developed from first principles. You may NOT use the built-in features of a programming language for any of these routines.
8. All data structures must be defined by you, the programmer, unless the data structures are supplied.

9. You must save your work regularly on the disk/CD/DVD/flash disk you have been given, or on the disk space allocated to you for this examination session.
10. Make sure that your examination number appears as a comment in every program that you code, as well as on every event indicated.
11. If required, print the programming code of all the programs/classes that you completed. You will be given half an hour printing time after the examination session.
12. At the end of this examination session you must hand in a disk/CD/DVD/flash disk with all your work saved on it OR you must make sure that all your work has been saved on the disk space allocated to you for this examination session. Ensure that all files can be read.

Sample Question

Section A

1.1 Button [Question 1_1]
A label called lblWelcomeMessage has been created and set to be not visible. Write code to validate the information entered by the user as follows:
Name and surname
The input must contain at least one space to be valid. If the input is not valid, display a message to indicate the specific error using a dialog box.
ID number
The asterisk character (*) next to the text box indicates that the field may not be left blank. An ID number must consist of 13 digits to be valid. If the ID number field does not contain any information or the ID number that was entered does not consist of 13 digits, display a message to indicate the specific error that occurred using a dialog box.
If the contents in both fields are valid, the label displaying the welcoming message must be set to visible.

Related Post

1.2 Buttons with images [Question 1_2]
A customer must select the preferred type of loyalty card. The images on the buttons in this section of the GUI show two types of loyalty cards. When a specific image is selected (button clicked), the program must do the following:
The heading in the label above the selected image must be changed to bold.

1.3 Button [Question 1_3]
The final purchase amount for today must be entered in the text box.
The program must grant the following benefit towards the holder of the type of loyalty card selected in QUESTION 1_2:
Immediate discount (DI):
1,5% discount must be granted on the purchase amount.
Donation towards charity (CH):

Section B

Do the following:
Delphi programmers Java programmers
• Open the incomplete program in the Question2 folder.
• Open the incomplete program in the Question2 folder.
• Open the incomplete object class CardHolder_U.pas.
• Add your examination number as a comment in the first line of both files Question2_U.pas and CardHolder_U.pas.
• Open the incomplete object class CardHolder.java.
• Add your examination number as a comment in the first line of both classes Question2.java and CardHolder.java.
• Compile and execute the program. Currently the program has no functionality.
Example of graphical user interface (GUI):

2.1.1 Write code for a constructor method to receive the card number, cellphone number and loyalty card points already received, as parameter values. Assign these values to the relevant attributes. The lowest code for the health food level (S) must be assigned to the attribute for the health level. The attribute for the number of visits must be set to 0. (5)
2.1.2 Write a mutator method to be able to set the attribute for the number of visits to a value received as a parameter. (2)
2.1.3 Write code for a method called increaseLoyaltyPoints that receives the total amount spent for this month as a parameter and increases the current number of loyalty points based on the amount received.

Section C

Do the following:
Compile and execute the program in the Question3 folder. Currently the program has no functionality.
Complete the code for each question, as described in QUESTION 3.1 to QUESTION 3.3.

You are NOT allowed to modify supplied data manually. Code must be written to manipulate the supplied data according to the requirements.
Good programming techniques and modular design must be applied in the design and coding of your solution.
NO marks will be assigned for hardcoding. Use control structures and variables where necessary

3.2 Combo box with restaurant codes
You are requested to select a restaurant from the combo box where one of your friends will dine.
Write code to replace the X placeholder at the selected restaurant with a hashtag symbol (#) to indicate that a friend is at the restaurant and display an updated layout of the mall.

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