exposcience.co.za Eskom Expo Video Competition 2018 : Young Scientists

Organization : Eskom Expo for Young Scientists
Competition Name : The Eskom Expo Video Competition 2018
Applicable For : Grades 4 to 12
Competition Deadline : 16 Mar 2018
Prize : Tablet Computer
Website: https://exposcience.co.za/
Download Guideline: https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/10743-video.pdf

Eskom Expo Video Competition

Are you in grades 4 to 12?
** We want to see you conduct your experiments or build your prototypes. Your project must be in any of our 24 categories and follow the expo guidelines.

Related : Jewish Life Jerusalem Science Contest 2017-18 : www.southafricain.com/8603.html

Scientific Method & Engineering Process

Summary of the scientific method and engineering process :
STEP 1 :
** Choose a topic or question.
STEP 2 :
** Learners must submit their research plan to their teacher for approval before starting the project. Ethics needs to be considered at this point.

STEP 3 :
** Do background research on the chosen topic to find out what has already been done on that particular topic. What does one need to know to answer the question.

STEP 4 :
** What can the answer possibly be Form a hypothesis/state the engineering goals.

STEP 5 :
** Test the hypothesis/test the prototype/evaluate the prototype and redesign if necessary.

STEP 6 :
** Draw conclusions based on the results of the testing.

** Teachers should use the project as part of class work. When assessing the projects at school level, teachers must assist the learners in upgrading their projects so that they can successfully participate in a Regional Expo.


1. Agricultural Sciences – Grades 6 -12
2. Animal & Veterinary Science, including Marine Animals and Animal Ecology – Grades 6 -12

3. Chemistry and Biochemistry – Grades 6 -12
4. Computer Science and Information Technology – Grades 6 – 12

5. Earth Science– including Geography, Geology,Oceanography and Housing and Settlement Studies – Grades 6 -12
6. Energy: Non-renewable – fossil fuels and use of electricity – Grades 6 -12
7. Energy: Renewable -solar, wind, wave, hydro – Grades 6 -12

8. Energy: Renewable – biofuels, geothermal, bio digesters – Grades 6 -12
9. Energy efficiency and conservation: efficient use of energy and ways of using less energy – Grades 6 -12
10. Engineering: Electronics and Electrical – Grades 10 – 12


The presentation must include the following :
1. Poster – this must be a summary of the report and the order of the pages on the poster must follow the order of the report.
2. The poster must be printed on A4 pages (landscape or portrait). This is compulsory for Regional Expos and the International Science fair (ISF).

3. The poster must be arranged in a logical order starting on the top of the left hand board and ending at the bottom of the right hand board. See below for more information on the order of the A4 pages on the poster board.

4. Report file
5. Journal

6. Models must fit onto the table within the poster board provided. The model may not obstruct the poster board. Any part of the poster board that is obstructed by anything on the table (including a stack of files, computers, model, bottles, etc.) will not be judged, unless it is easily visible to the judges. Furthermore, nothing may protrude over the edge of the table, be on the floor, or obstruct the Eskom Expo branding and title on the display board in any way. Safety rules would also still apply.

7. Survey questionnaires (if applicable)

Points To Remember

** Bring the following to put up the display: drawing pins, staples, temporary adhesives (e.g. Prestik), masking tape. DO NOT USE DOUBLE SIDED TAPE.
** Bring an extension cord if one is needed for the model or any apparatus that needs 220-volt electricity to work.

** Do not include any live animals, insects, spiders, fish and plants in the display. Photos and video clips may be shown instead. Do not include any animal or human body parts at all. (Refer to pages 25 – 28 and make sure the project is ethically correct).

** Burning of any substance or use of open flames as part of the display is prohibited.
** Do not leave valuable items on display. The organisers will endeavor to make sure that things are safe at Expo, but will not be responsible for any losses.

** No chewing gum during interviews.
** Switch off cell phone during interviews.

How To Enter

** Send a 3-5min video to expohq2017 AT gmail.com or alternatively send it via WhatsApp to (+27) 078 110 3827 .

Your video must highlight :
** What is the problem you are trying to solve?
** State your hypothesis and variables
** Show us how you went about solving the problem

** Show us your findings
** Follow #EskomExpoVideoCompetition on Facebook and get your friends to View/Share/Like/Comment on the video
** The video has to be engaging, educational and entertaining.

The Prizes

1. A tablet computer
2. A chance to feature on the Expo DVD
3. Your research featured on the Homepage of the Expo Website

First Round (Everyone):
Start date: 5 Feb 2018
End date: 16 Mar 2018
Top 5 announced: 20 Mar 2018

The Judging Process

Entries will be judged using the following criteria :
A. Content :
** Scientific methods followed
** Clear statement of problem purpose, hypothesis and variables
** A valid conclusion

B. Innovation and originality :
** An innovative idea
** A novel approach
** Adding to the knowledge base

C. Communication and impact :
** A fresh, fun and interesting demonstration
** Communication: clear, concise and clear scientific explanations
** Appealing to a broad and diverse audience
** Able to encourage other learners to participate in Eskom Expo.

D. Technical expertise :
** quality of completed video, including sound

Selection of Top 5

Second Round (Top 5):
Start date: 22 Mar 2018
End date: 29 Mar 2018
Winner announced: 16 Apr 2018
** Shortlisted videos will be posted online.
** Thereafter second round of judging will also be based on the number of views/likes and shares on the video.

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