All Open Academic Scholarships & Bursaries 2018 : St Teresa’s School

Organisation : St Teresa’s School
Scholarship Name : All Open Academic Scholarships 2018
Applicable for : South African citizens or have permanent residence.
Closing Date : 1 March 2018
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Teresa’s School All Open Academic Scholarships

1. Scholarships will be awarded based on the results of a scholarship examination and/or interview, open to girls presently in Grade 7.

Related : Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority W&RSETA Bursary 2018 :

** Details, and the criteria relating to each scholarship, are attached. The awards are subject to excellent reports on work and conduct.

2. Awards will not be made unless the standard of work in the examination is considered high enough to justify them.

3. The examination will consist of :
** A paper in English incorporating comprehension, creative writing, general knowledge, general skills, and interpretation of facts and data.
** A paper in Mathematics.

** There is no set syllabus used for any of the above – the student’s general level of ability will be tested.
** Papers will be written at St Teresa’s School on Friday, 16 March 2018. Provision will not be made for the examination to be written on an alternative day.

** The financial position of the parents is not a criterion.
** The decisions of the Bursary & Scholarship Committee in awarding the scholarships will be final and no correspondence will be entered into in this regard.

** Mrs Hamilton, the Head of School, will notify the winners telephonically on 28 March 2018 and all candidates will receive a letter informing them of the winners. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the results of the scholarship examination. The scholarships will commence at the beginning of 2019.

** In making application, a detailed Grade 6 report will be required. In addition, any talent displayed by the candidate in the fields of music, dramatic arts, visual arts, and/or sport should be mentioned. St Teresa’s reserves the right to request a letter of recommendation from the head of the school currently attended by the candidate.

** Applicants must complete the enclosed application form. Unsuccessful candidates are not under any obligation whatsoever to attend St Teresa’s School.
** The closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday, 1 March at 12:00pm
** Before making application to write the St Teresa’s scholarship examination, parents should consult the head of the school currently attended by their daughter.

Open Scholarships

In order to encourage applications from outstanding pupils, scholarships are offered. These are awarded on merit and are available only to girls entering Grade 8 in 2019.

Awards criteria :
** Applicants for all scholarships must write the Scholarship Examinations.
** The financial position of the parents is not taken into account in the awarding of scholarships.

** A limited number of bursaries are available for girls who wish to attend St Teresa’s, but for financial reasons are unable to do so.
** All submissions will be treated confidentially by the Bursary & Scholarship Committee.

** A personal interview may be required.
** The applicant, and at least one parent, should be South African citizens or have permanent residence.
** St Teresa’s School reserves the right to request proof of citizenship.

At present St Teresa’s School offers the following 7 open scholarships :
** 3 Academic Scholarships
** 1 All-round Scholarship
** 2 Sport Scholarships
** 1 Cultural Scholarship

Academic Scholarships

** All pupils applying for an academic scholarship must excel in the scholarship exam written in March of the year prior to coming to St Teresa’s School.
** This exam consists of Mathematics and English.

** These papers are skilled based and aim to assess academic potential.
** The criteria laid down for each of the scholarships include academic ability, leadership potential, all round participation and a person of sound character.

** All scholarships are awarded annually and are tenable for 5 years, providing the recipients maintain a high standard and contribute to the Rosie environment in a positive and caring manner.

The following four academic scholarships are available :
St Teresa of Avila Scholarship :
** The St Teresa of Avila Scholarship is awarded to a pupil who has excelled academically in Primary School and has consistently achieved a Level 7 (80-100%-Outstanding Achievement) aggregate.

** An excellent scholarship exam result is also a prerequisite.
** As with all St Teresa’s scholarships, a recipient of this award must display attributes of responsibility and a strong sense of service to others.
** This scholarship represents 50% of tuition fees.

Lady of Mercy Scholarship :
** The Lady of Mercy Scholarship is awarded to a pupil who has excelled academically in Primary School and has consistently achieved a Level 6 (70-80%-Meritorious Achievement) aggregate.

** An excellent scholarship exam result is also a prerequisite.
** As with all St Teresa’s scholarships, a recipient of this award must display attributes of responsibility and a strong sense of service to others.
** This scholarship represents 40% of tuition fees.

Sisters of Mercy Scholarship :
** The Sisters of Mercy Scholarship is awarded to a pupil who has excelled in Mathematics throughout Primary School and has achieved a Level 7 (80-100%-Outstanding Achievement) aggregate.

** An excellent scholarship exam result is also a prerequisite.
** As with all St Teresa’s scholarships, a recipient of this award must display attributes of responsibility and a strong sense of service to others.
** This scholarship represents 40% of tuition fees.

All Rounder Scholarship

** The Catherine McAuley Scholarship is awarded to a pupil with strong academic ability who also displays exceptional all round ability (academic, sport and cultural).

** As with all St Teresa’s scholarships, a recipient of this award must display attributes of responsibility and a strong sense of service to others.
** This scholarship represents 40% of tuition fees.

Sports Scholarships

** TWO sports scholarships are awarded annually to applicants who have demonstrated remarkable talent in one or more sporting disciplines.
** Sporting scholarship applicants will be invited to attend an interview.
** A full CV needs to be submitted as well as proof of Sporting achievements.
** These sporting scholarships represent 40% of tuition fees.

Cultural Scholarships

** ONE cultural scholarship is available for applicants who have demonstrated remarkable talent in one or more cultural activities.
** Cultural scholarship applicants will be invited to attend an interview.
** A full CV needs to be submitted as well as proof of Cultural achievements.
** This scholarship represents 40% of tuition fees.

Closed Scholarship – Marian Scholarship :
** ONE scholarship is awarded to a Catholic pupil who demonstrates Christian values.
** As with all St Teresa’s scholarships, a recipient of this award must display attributes of responsibility and a** strong sense of service to others.
** This scholarship represents 40% of tuition fees.

Closed Scholarships – Mcauley Scholarship :
** The McAuley Scholarship is awarded to a Grade 7 St Teresa’s pupil with strong academic ability who has also displayed exceptional all round ability (academic, sport and cultural) while at St Teresa’s School.

** As with all St Teresa’s scholarships, a recipient of this award must display attributes of responsibility and a strong sense of service to others.

** This scholarship represents 50% of tuition fees and is only applicable for the Grade 8 academic year.
** The school has the right not to award one or more of the above scholarships if there is no suitable candidate.

Bursaries :
** Bursaries are awarded to girls who wish to attend St Teresa’s School, but for financial reasons are unable to do so. Full disclosure of the families’ financial position as well as a written application is required from the parents.

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