Sephaku Cement Load Up & Win Retailer Incentive Competition 2018 :

Organization : Dangote Cement South Africa Proprietary Limited
Competition Name : Sephaku Cement Load Up & Win Retailer Incentive Competition 2018
Applicable For : Open To All Retailers Operating In South Africa That Are Direct Customers Of The Promoter
Competition Deadline : 30 May 2018
Prize: R 20 000 Hardware Vouchers
Website :
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Sephaku Cement Load Up & Win Retailer Incentive Competition

1 This Competition is promoted by Dangote Cement South Africa Proprietary Limited, registration number 2004/034277/07, duly incorporated in the Republic of South Africa, trading as “Sephaku Cement” (the “Promoter”), as part of its national retail campaign.

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2 The Promoter intends to run a competition (referred to as the “Main Competition”) whereby the end users of Sephaku Cement products, namely the consumers of such cement products, shall be entered into a monthly draw to win one of five R20,000.00 hardware vouchers, during the competition period of 1 February 2018 to 30 May 2018, to be redeemed at the store from which they purchased the bags of Sephaku Cement (“Monthly Prize”) and to be entered into a main draw to stand a chance to win a Toyota Hilux Single Cab 2.0 VVTI 5MT (“Grand Prize”) at the end of such period, (The Monthly Prize and the Grand Prize, collectively referred to as “the Main Competition Prizes”), the terms and conditions of which have been annexed hereto as annexure “A”.

Who Can Enter

4 The Terms and Conditions are made available on the website

5 Subject to paragraph 6, this Competition is open to all retailers operating in South Africa that are direct customers of the Promoter, (“Direct Retailer”) except for the following persons:
(i) A director, member, partner, employee or agent of, or consultant to the Promoter, or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by the Promoter;

(ii) a supplier of goods or services in connection with this Competition; (iii) the spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members of the parties referred to in (i) and (ii).

6 In the event that a retail store that does not buy Sephaku Cement products directly from the Promoter but from a Direct Retailer (referred to as a “Third Party Retailer”) wishes to act as a participating retailer in the Main Competition, such third party retailer would have to enter into a separate agreement with the Direct Retailer whereby such Third Party Retailer shall be entitled to act as a participating retailer in the Main Competition (“Third Party Agreement”). This is because the Promoter does not have any direct relationships with Third Party Retailers.

The Promoter shall not be a party to and shall have no involvement in the conclusion of the Third Party Agreement. Furthermore, the Third Party Retailer shall not be able to participate in this Competition and thus shall not be entered into the lucky draw referred to in paragraph 9.1, with their involvement being limited to them acting as a participating retailer in the Main Competition.

7 The Competition commences on 1 February 2018 and closes on 30 May 2018 (referred to as the “Competition Period”).

8 Each monthly draw for the Retail Prize (discussed under paragraph 9.1) will be based on the Entry Confirmations (referred to in paragraphs 10.1 and 10.2) received and accepted by the Promoter by the last day of the month to which that particular monthly draw relates, provided that it is submitted during the Competition Period and provided that the monthly draw in respect of the month of May 2018 shall only be in respect of all those Entry Confirmations which have been received by the 10th business day prior to the end of the Competition Period.

The Prize

9.1 Participants shall be entered into a monthly draw whereby they shall stand a chance to win one of five x 2 pallets of Sephaku 32,5N Cement available to be won for each month of the Competition Period (“Retail Prize”).
9.2 The Retail Prize cannot be exchanged for cash.

9.3 The winner of the Retail Prize shall be solely responsible for any ancillary costs including any tax liabilities as may be applicable and any personal or incidental expenses incurred in claiming or using the Retail Prize shall be the sole responsibility of the winner thereof.

9.4 To the maximum extent permitted in law, the Promoter shall not be held liable for any defect in respect of any of the Retail Prizes.
9.5 The Promoter shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to replace any of the Retail Prizes or any aspect thereof with other prizes of a similar commercial value.

9.6 The Promoter shall be entitled to require the winner of any Retail Prize to prove that they were eligible to enter into the Competition as contemplated in paragraph 5. If a winner is found to be ineligible, the Promoter shall be entitled to have another draw carried out so as to determine a new winner of such Retail Prize and to require an ineligible winner to return any Retail Prize that may have already been rewarded.

9.7 Images of the Retail Prizes contained in any Promotional Material may differ to the actual Retail Prizes.

How To Enter The Competition

10.1 In order to enter the Competition a Participant would have to, subject to paragraph 10.2, confirm their acceptance to act as a participating retailer in respect of the Main Competition by responding in the affirmative, via email, (“Entry Confirmation”), to the invitation to act as such, which invitation shall be or has been emailed to them from the webpage address info AT by the Promoter, provided that such Entry Confirmation is provided at least 10 business days before the end of the Competition Period (Participants will require access to the internet, the cost of which shall be the normal fee paid by the Participant when using the internet, in order to enter the Competition).

10.2 In the event that a Participant is informed about the Competition by its appointed sales representative (“Sales Representative”), with whom such Participant ordinarily liaises with in respect of its business dealings with the Promoter, then such Participant shall be entitled to enter into the Competition by sending an email confirmation to such Sales Representative (to the email address normally used by such Participant in contacting the Sales Representative during its business dealings, or such other email address as may be provided to it by the Sales Representative upon having been informed by such Sales Representative about the Competition) informing them that they wish to enter the Competition and thus become a participating retailer in respect of the Main Competition.

The Sales Representative shall then notify the Promoter that such Participant wishes to enter into the Competition, which notification shall be deemed to be an Entry Confirmation, provided that such notification occurs at least 10 business days before the end of the Competition Period.

The Promoter shall then enter the relevant details of the Participant onto its electronic system in respect of the Competition. The responsibility shall remain with the Participant to ensure that

(i) the email address to which it sends through its email confirmation is in fact the correct email address of such Sales Representative and

(ii) that the relevant Sales Representative has in fact notified the Promoter as aforesaid. Any such failure on the part of such Sales Representative in notifying the Promoter as aforesaid shall result in the Participant not being entered into the Competition and the Promoter shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever in respect thereof.

10.3 Upon having submitted an Entry Confirmation as contemplated in paragraphs 10.1 and

10.2, a Participant shall be considered a participating retailer in the Main Competition and their Entry Confirmation shall automatically be entered into the monthly draw referred to in paragraph 9.1. Such Participant shall only be considered a participating retailer in respect of the Main Competition for the period commencing on the date on which they submit their Entry Confirmation until the last day of the Competition Period, during which period, such participating retailer may receive further communications from the Promoter in respect of the running of the Main Competition. Unsuccessful entries shall not receive any notification from the Promoter.

10.4 Each Participant shall only gain one entry into the Competition and shall not be entitled to enter more than once.
10.5 In the event that a Participant wins a Retail Prize, such Participant shall not be eligible to be entered into the draw for any further Retail Prize.
10.6 The Promoter shall be entitled to verify the validity of any of the entries which have been submitted.

10.7 If any Entry Confirmations are submitted incorrectly or by persons not entitled to enter into the Competition or if any Participants engaged in any fraud or misconduct in relation to any aspect of this Competition, then such entries shall be disqualified from the Competition and the Promoter shall not be required to notify such Participants that their entries have been disqualified.

10.8 The Promoter may refuse to award any of the Retail Prizes to any Participant if any of the Terms and Conditions were not adhered to or in the case of any fraud, misconduct or irregularities on the part of such Participant.

10.9 The Promoter shall not be held liable for any technical issues/failures, faulty or unavailable network connections, network disruptions or failures, software or hardware failures, loss of any Entry Confirmations and/or inaccessibility to the Competition webpage for any reason whatsoever, which may affect the entry of a Participant into the Competition. The Promoter shall not be held responsible for any illegible, incomplete, lost, damaged or unreadable Entry Confirmations. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map