unizulu.ac.za Applying For National Student Financial Aid Scheme : University of Zululand

Organization : University of Zululand
Head Quarters: Kwadlangezwa
Facility : Applying For National Student Financial Aid Scheme

Website : http://www.unizulu.ac.za/
Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/1000-UNIZULU_Funding.pdf
Application Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/1000-NSFASForm.pdf

University of Zululand NSFAS Scheme

** The University administers two categories of Funding, Merit and Needy Cases

Related : University of Cape Town Postgraduate Funding Application : www.southafricain.com/879.html

1.1 Merit :
** Matric merit focusses on first year matric students that performed at achievement levels of between 7 and 5.
** The University funds them fully from registration, and continue to fund them if they continue to pass and drop no modules during the course of their studies.
** Senior students merits are sourced through ICT, looking at top performers last year or year last registered on campus.

** We focus on distinction and first class students that do not fail any module, undergraduate academic programme, and doing the full number of modules in any particular year.
** Awarding in subsequent years is dependent on similar performance.

1.2 Needy Cases :
** Students personally apply or get referred to us by the Faculties and the Office of The Dean of Students.

The criteria to access these are :
** Proof that the student is destitute in terms of household income;
** Proof of family situation that renders the family destitute, e.g. orphanage;

** Fair academic performance at an average of 75 percent; and
** Non-receipt of another funding, except for NSFAS loans.
** Kindly contact Mr TT Mthiyane at 035 9026682 or 035 9026307 for more information

2. Applying For National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Nsfas) :
** Next year’s (2017) students will apply for a loan online and use cellphone-generated vouchers to pay for books and food.
** The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has re-engineered the system so the new centralised online application process is expected to start on August 1.

** Now the students first apply for funding approval to NSFAS through the new centralised system, list their “wishlist” of institutions where they hope to study, then take that financial approval to the institutions to apply for a place.

** The deadline for applications for financial aid for next year is November 1.

New NSFAS Application Process

** The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Student Centered Model is Live as from 01 August 2016.

This means that :
** All new applications (matriculants) must be submitted directly to NSFAS nline (.nsfas.org.za)
** Students who have never received NSFAS funding must apply online

Related Post

** All students who were previously funded by NSFAS and are not funded in 2016 must apply online
** All students who have signed their Loan Agreement Forms (LAF) or Schedule of Particulars (SOP) for 2016 and are currently receiving NSFAS funding Do Not Have To Reapply.

** Funding will be granted provided the funded student meets the NSFAS academic requirements
** All funded NSFAS students are requested to update their information online. Please log onto
** .nsfas.org.za and create the MyNSFAS account to verify your details.

NSFAS Application For Funding

** Please read every section of the form, and fully complete all required sections.
** Application forms without ALL supporting documents will not be processed by NSFAS.

** NSFAS requires that you provide a cell phone number or an email address so that NSFAS can communicate with you during the application process, and to inform you of the outcome of your application.

** If your application is successful, we need the cell phone number provided in case you qualify for allowances.

** If you are a student with a disability, you must complete an additional form, available on the NSFAS website, and will be required to provide a medical certificate in support of your disability condition.
** Please contact NSFAS on 0860 067 327 for more information, or the applicant can go to the nearest university/TVET college financial aid office for assistance.

Application for Financial Assistance for South African undergraduate students :
Please return the completed form with supporting documents to :
Reference: Online Application/2017
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Loans and Bursaries Service Unit
Private Bag X4
Cape Town
OR you can scan and email to: apply AT nsfas.org.za or fax to: 086 644 2822.

Very Important Information :
1. Please note that even if you may be eligible for NSFAS funding, we advise you to also apply for other bursaries/student loans, as your application to NSFAS does not guarantee acceptance.
2. NSFAS will not consider you for financial assistance unless you meet its criteria for funding, details of which can be found on our website .nsfas.org.za

3. Information and documentation required in support of this application, will ONLY be used for the purpose of assessing the financial eligibility of prospective students.
4. The information may be shared with third parties including credit bureaus and other agencies for the purposes of information validation, criminal checks and to verify previous academic records.

5. You are required to provide consent for NSFAS to use the information you provide.

Some Important Information From Comments

Comments :
1. I am a first year student at University of Zululand and I applied for NSFAS last year and they regretted my NSFAS application offer. My question is how can I re-apply and when are they going to give me a feed back?

2. I am a gap year student, want to go back to school to complete my degree, I am owing university the amount of R8040 and don’t have money to paid this amount and don’t have even initial payment but do to apply NSFAS this year on January. Can you please help me I am really desperate can’t even do anything?

FAQ On University of Zululand NSFAS Scheme

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a government-funded financial aid scheme that provides financial assistance to eligible students who are enrolled in universities and TVET colleges in South Africa. The University of Zululand is one of the institutions that participate in the NSFAS scheme.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the NSFAS scheme at the University of Zululand:

Who is eligible for NSFAS at the University of Zululand?
Students who are South African citizens and who are enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate program at the University of Zululand are eligible to apply for NSFAS funding. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and meet the academic requirements of the university.

What does NSFAS funding cover?
NSFAS funding covers tuition fees, registration fees, accommodation, and a living allowance. The amount of funding awarded depends on the financial need of the student and the cost of the program.

Categories: Facilities

View Comments (9)

  • Nondumiso Nene says:

    I am 1st year student my question is how can I complete my NSFAS?


  • Thabani Mdletshe says:

    I am a first year student at university of zululand and I applied for NSFAS last year and they regretted my NSFAS application offer. My question is how can I re-apply and when are they going to give me a feed back?

  • Lindiwe Malwane says:

    I am a gap year student want to go back to school to complete my degree, I am owing university the amount of R8040 and don't have money to paid this amount and don't have even initial payment but do to apply NSFAS this year on January. Can you please help me I am really desperate can't even do anything. My student no. is 200811764.

  • I have applied last year in October, Can I please get help just to check my status because I can't open an account Student no:201509132.

  • Brilliant Slungile Mathenjwa says:

    I have applied for NSFAS. I want to check if my application was approved. My student number is 200905688.

  • I want to apply for NSFAS. MY STUDENT NUMBER IS 201060901. I NEED HELP.

  • How can I apply for NSFAS online?



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