RAPDASA Design Competition 2016 : Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa

Organization : Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa
Competition Name : RAPDASA Design Competition 2016
Applicable For : Only South Africa citizens designers, engineers & artists
Competition Deadline : 1 October 2016
Prize/Win : UP Box -R43995.00

Website : https://site.rapdasa.org/
Competition Rules : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/1-RAPDASArules.pdf
Competition Prize : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/1-Prizes2016.pdf

RAPDASA Design Competition 2016 :

Competition Information :
** The 3D Print Design Competition is a national competition that forms part of the annual Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) conference.

Related : ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest : www.southafricain.com/182.html

** The competition is aimed at encouraging designers, engineers & artists to use the latest technology, to promote awareness of Additive Manufacturing (AM)and attempts to gauge the country’s capability to design and engineer for AM.

** This year’s challenge is to design a miniature mechanical object (gadget), especially an ingenious or novel one, to make life easier, simpler, better or just more fun.
** There are 5 categories to choose from, with a 3D printer to be won in each of the categories.
** Participants can enter as many times as they wish, in as many categories as they want but may not enter the same design in multiple categories.

How to enter :
** Choose a design category
** Design a 3D model for the chosen category. Convert the file to stp., .xt OR stl.
** Explain the function of your design in a supporting document. Pdf format. Include visuals.
** Attach your model and supporting document to the site
** Enter your details & submit before 1 October 2016

Judging Criteria :
All entries will be judged according to a score card MATRIX and points will be awarded against each of the following criteria :
** Novelty
** Inventiveness
** Functionality
** Cost effectiveness
** Aesthetic appeal
** Engineering principals
** Perceived value
** 3D printing knowledge
** Target market
** Creativity
** Environmental impact
** Freedom of expression
** Geometry quality (3D printability)
In the case of a draw, points will be allocated to the quality of the presentation and supportive documentation.

Submission requirements :
** Entries can be designed in any CAD software as long as .stp, ,xt, .stl, files are submitted to the competition.
** Typical 3D modeling files.
** Entrants are encouraged to submit a design report of their designs as a separate document.

** This report can include renderings and a description of the particular product.
** Points will be awarded to the design report if needed to determine a winner.
** The file format can be in pdf format or a MS Word document (max 5MB).

Include :
** Background information to support/describe the design philosophy used.
** Assembly/Operation procedures.
** Description of materials.

** FEM results of designs to indicate, for example, mechanical loading.
** Calculations and decisions.
** Manufacturing procedures (such as build orientation etc.).
** Feasibility or market report (include social media statistics of “Likes” etc.)

Eligibility :
** The Competition is open to only South Africa citizens over the age of 18 at the time of entry.
** Participants are not eligible to be nominated or provide input to the judging of the Competition.
** You are solely responsible for all equipment, including a computer and modem necessary to establish a connection to the World Wide Web;

** access to the World Wide Web and any telephone, data, hosting or other service fees associated with such access, as well as all costs of any nature whatsoever incurred by or on behalf of the Entrant in participating in the Competition.

Competition objective :
** The objective of the Competition is to expose 3D printing to the general public and to encourage all South Africans to participate.

Registration :
** All of the registration information that you provide is collectively referred to as your “registration”.
** By registering and submitting your Entry (defined herein), you formally accept the Official Rules of this Competition.

By registering and submitting an Entry, you agree that :
** (a) your submission/ entry is complete, correct and accurate and
** (b) your registration may be rejected or terminated and all Entries submitted by you may be disqualified if any of the information is (or Sponsors have reasonable grounds to believe it is) incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate.

** You are solely responsible for your registration. All registration information is deemed collected in the Republic of South Africa.

General Considerations :
** When designing your gadget, it is important to take into account the materials that will be used to print it, as well as the limitations of the printer itself.
** Factors such as structural integrity and durability affect how well a design is able to function, while efficient use of material must be considered to reduce costs and avoid over-designed products.

** Entrants are limited to the printing volume of a UP Mini 3D printer (120 x 120 x 120 mm) for their designs.
** All components of the design must fit within the allowed volume. Designs may incorporate multiple components.
** It can also be made up of components that can be assembled afterwards. Components will be printed in ABS or PLA plastic, using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology.

Tags: rapdasa.org
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